
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Life is a Test

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering
can the soul be strengthened, ambitions inspired,
and success achieved".
                                           Helen Keller

Are you being tested right now?

Is the economy taking it's toll on you and the way you live your life?

Maybe it's not the money that is your cross to bear.

Maybe it's your relationships, your career or your health.

Whatever it is that is providing your biggest challenge right now is also providing your
greatest opportunity for growth.

The saying, "If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger", although annoying when you're
in the mire of it, has a ring of truth to it.

When I was going through my divorce, if I heard that saying once, I heard it a thousand times!

At the time I could not see the value in the experience I was having, there didn't seem to be anything positive about it in the slightest. But upon reflection, as I look back at every supposed setback in my life, something great has always come out of a bad experience.

Indeed everything I went through has made me the woman I am today, strong, independent, resilient, thankful and compassionate. And for that, I am truly grateful.

So, if you are going through a tough time today, just remember, this too shall pass and one day you
will be able to look back and give thanks for the experience and know that it happened for a reason.

There are no accidents.

Be strong, be happy and stay grateful - for everything.

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