
Monday, October 1, 2007

Growing Pains

In order for us to grow as human beings we have to experience change. Change is not always pleasant. It can ask that we leave our comfort zone; a very comfortable place to be. It is also a very dangerous place to be, full of complacency and routine.

Sometimes life has a way of making those changes for us. Changes we might not have chosen for ourselves otherwise. Changes that may cause us to experience some pain or discomfort.

If you have ever experienced a major life change, such as divorce, or losing a loved one, or suffering an illness, you will know exactly what I mean.

Faith is the key. If you are riddled with anxiety because you know something has to change, but you're not sure how or when, release your fears to the Universe and start making changes for yourself.

Be proactive.

If you wait for the Universe to make the changes for you, you may not like the end result.

You can start today by changing the way you look at your life.

As Dr.Wayne Dyer says, "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change".

Take a look at your life today and see what changes you can make to improve it. If you can't, change the way you look at it and watch the difference unfold.

Above all, be grateful for change. It proves you're alive!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Decision Making

Haven't we all had a time in our lives when we are riddled with doubts and fears?

Are we doing the right thing? Are we in the right career? Are we in the right relationship?

What happens when we have to make adecision?

We obsess about making the right choices and are fearful for making the wrong decision, lest we cannot correct it. We stress and worry and ask other people for their opinions, knowing that ultimately we have to make the decision for ourselves.

We pressure ourselves to make a decision often before one is called for, "just in case" that scenario should happen.

What a huge waste of time and energy!

When we are so focused on the future and what could happen, we are missing living in the present moment, and not enjoying life at all.

If you have a decision to make, regarding an area of your life, first ask yourself this question.

Do I have to make a decision right NOW?

If not, don't!

When we try and force change, we often make mistakes because we are trying to force something into existance that isn't ready yet.

If you don't have to make a decision yet, don't! Do NOTHING! Sit back and relax and watch the situation unfold. Things may resolve without you having to do anything at all, but just be.

Sometimes doing nothing is the hardest thing to do, but the most effective.

Sit back, relax and enjoy your life.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Own Your Power!

The Power of the Universe flows within you.

Have you ever asked a friend or loved one for advice? Why?

How can they be any more qualified than you to fix your problem?

No-one knows you better than you know yourself.

Stop deferring to others. Claim your own power. Stand tall in it and make the necessary decisions.

Yes, by all means, you can ask someone's opinion, but why would you ultimately choose their decision over your own?

Often times, it is because you feel you can no longer make the right decisions for yourself.

Perhaps, in the past, you have made mistakes by making the wrong decision?

Think again!

There are no accidents!

If something went wrong it was because there was a lesson you needed to learn. Maybe you shouldn't have been in that relationship, job, house, you were in?

Whatever it was, you needed to be there for that time to learn a valuable lesson. What was it? It is never a mistake if you learn from it.

Everything that has happened to you in your life, so far, has been due to the thoughts, words, decisions and actions you took.

You created that reality. You can change it.

You have the power.

Own your power and stop giving it away, especially to those that don't deserve it.

No-one can take your power away from you. You have to give it away. Why would you choose to do that?

Stand up for yourself. Demand the best from yourself, and for yourself. You deserve the best and nothing less.

Stop being a victim and put yourself first. Then, even if things don't work out as planned, you will feel empowered, not victimized.

Above all else, "to thine own self be true" and you can't go wrong.

Claim your power!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Believe & Receive

"Believe that you have it, and you have it"
Latin Proverb

Half the battle of manifesting what you want in your life is the belief that you can actually have it. And then you ask, but do you deserve it?

The beauty of the Law of Attraction is that it doesn't judge if you are worthy or not. It simply matches your vibration to what you want and then attracts that into your life.

If you deem yourself unworthy, the LOA will match that and in doing so, you don't receive what you do want, or worse, you receive exactly what you don't want.

The practice of visualization helps tremendously with manifesting your desires into reality. If you can daydream, you can visualize.

Take 5 minutes out of your day, every day, to dream about what you want in your life and see it as a reality.

Do not entertain any thoughts of lack or sorrow. Only focus on what you do want and let the Universe figure out how to bring it to you.

As Napoleon Hill said, 'If you can believe it, you can achieve it".

My saying is, "If you believe, you can receive".

Believe & Receive. It's a beautiful thing.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Perfect Timing

If what you are trying to manifest has yet to appear in your life, stop doubting if it will arrive. It will, if it is for your highest good, and when the timing is right.

The Universe has perfect timing - always. Don't believe me? Take a look back at all of the times in your life when you needed something and it showed up at exactly the right time. Whether it was money, a person, a job, a car, whatever it was, it arrived when it was supposed to arrive, and not a moment before.

Everything has a gestation period.

Look at pregnancy. You don't sit there waiting for the baby to arrive before the due date because you don't want the baby to be born before it's time for fear of not developing correctly.

If you view your manifesting in the same way, that what you are asking for will be delivered to you when the time is right, then the worry and stress are eliminated. Then you can rest easy knowing that the Universe will indeed deliver on time, as always.

Doubt and worry are the biggest killers of manifesting and once you start to doubt something arriving the Law of Attraction matches that vibration and so you don't receive what you are wanting, because your doubts made it so.

It's comparable to placing an order with the Universe, via UPS, and when you start to doubt it arriving, the order gets cancelled.

You have to assume it's going to be delivered, just as if you placed an order on the internet and UPS will deliver the package in the next few days/weeks. You place the order and expect it to arrive.

You have to maintain the same outlook with your manifesting. The same assurance that what you want will arrive, no matter what timeframe. Patience is key.

All good things come to those who wait.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Gratitude: The Manifesting Magnet

"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow"
Melodie Beattie

What are you grateful for today?

Maybe you're going through a rough time and feel that you don't have much to be thankful for? Therein lies the problem.

To manifest what you want to bring into your life, you have to be grateful for what's already in it.

If you are not grateful for what you have, it is impossible for the Universe to send you more. If you don't appreciate what you have, why on earth should you be rewarded with more?

Make a list today of all the people and things you have in your life, for which you are truly grateful.

Start with the ones you take most for granted, your families and friends, your good health, your freedom.

Imagine for a second how it would feel without all those things. Often times you do not appreciate what you have until it is gone. Don't wait for that time.

Start living your life today full of gratitude and joy. In doing so, you will raise your vibration, and become a magnet to all that you want to attract into your life.

Remember, the Law of Attraction responds to vibrations. It will match whatever vibration you emit, high or low, good or bad.

Odds are, if you are depressed and bemoaning the state of your life, how unfair it is and all the things that are lacking, you are doing nothing but asking for more of the same. The Law makes it so.

If for no other reason, than to prevent more mishaps in your life, "act as if" everything has already transpired exactly as you want it to. Give thanks for everything and expect it to happen.

Be grateful for every breath you breathe, everything you can see, hear, taste and smell. Be grateful for the price of gas, that you own a car to put it in. Be grateful for your annoying boss, that you have a job to go to and pay your bills.

Whatever you find to be grateful for today, hold onto that sense of joy and how lucky you are, and watch your life unfold for the better.

Gratitude is the key to receiving more abundance into your life. See your life as abundant now, and sit back and watch abundance pour into your life.

Be grateful and become a manifesting magnet.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Face Your Fears

"Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live"
Dorothy Thompson

Is there something that you have been wanting to do but are prevented from doing so because of fear? What are you waiting for?

Once you address your fears, they can no longer hold you back. There is nothing left to be afraid of.

I love Susan Jeffer's book, "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway". It exemplifies that you have to feel your fears, address them and let them exist, and do what you want in your life, not in spite of them, but because of them.

Why are you allowing your fears to minimize your life? What are you truly afraid of?

Once you face your demons and look at the worst case scenario, you are free to live your life to the fullest.

You cannot truly live if you are in constant fear of things going wrong. Too often we focus on what could happen, not what actually transpires.

If you have a dream and your fears are preventing you from fulfilling that dream, the time has come to put it to rest.

Take a moment to look at the facts, not what you imagine things to be. The mind is a very powerful tool and once you let it go in the direction of your fears, it will keep wanting to revisit them until you put a stop to it.

Every time you feel your mind wandering in that direction, ask yourself, "What purpose is this serving?".

"What am I delaying by focusing on my fears instead of my goals?"

"What am I really afraid of?"

Often times, it is not what you had originally thought. The fears lie deeper than the surface, and often re-surface in times of uncertainty and change.

If you are going through a transitional period, whether it be with your health, your career or a relationship, take a step back. Look at your life as if from the outside, through the eyes of a stranger, and ask yourself if you would be this afraid?

Are you reacting to past experiences, not the present? Are these experiences coloring your judgement?

Address your fears as they stand today, not yesterday or a decade ago.

Who are you today? Maybe you're stronger now than you were then? And all those things you are afraid of could not possibly happen to you now. You simply wouldn't allow it. You know better and so you do better.

Feel the fear and do it anyway. You have nothing to lose.

Saturday, June 30, 2007


“Nothing can bring you peace but yourself
Ralph Waldo Emerson

When I ask the audience at my seminars what they want to manifest, the number one answer is always money. I then ask them to cross it out and put health at the top of the list, followed by peace of mind. Without either of these, life can be filled with worry and stress.

Peace is living in the moment and accepting that you have the power to react to life in any way you choose. Only YOU can decide what is best for you, no-one else.

What are you doing in your life that is creating unrest? Are you suffering from an illness? Is your job stressing you out? Are there relationships that need to improve? Fences that need mending? Regrets that need to be addressed? Forgiveness that needs to be given?

Whatever it is that is causing the unrest in your life, you have the power to change it around. You can make the choice right now to choose peace. Do you know how hard it is to be stressed when you say, “I am peace. I choose peace”? It’s next to impossible!

Put your worries aside for a moment and choose peace. Inner turmoil lowers your vibration and hinders your manifesting, not to mention your happiness.

Remembering that “this too shall pass” is always worthwhile. Will the thing you are worrying about matter tomorrow, next week, next year?
If not, give it up! Life is short. Too short to stress about things that you have no control over. Let it go and let God, (or whoever you believe in), handle the details.

There’s no-one better qualified, so quit fighting for that job title, and let the Universe handle how the situation will be rectified. It may surprise you.

Remember, if you can’t do anything about it, it’s not your problem! If you can, then do it.

Take back your power. Take charge of your life and take the first step in reclaiming peace in your life.

Peace is priceless. Just ask a parent whose child won’t stop crying!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Affirmations - The Power of Words

The word affirmation comes from the latin verb affirmare - to affirm, declare or bring about.

When you are speaking, you are declaring what you want.

It is so important to make every word count. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

When you are joking or complaining, the Universe does not know the difference. It just deems it so. You are saying it, so it must be true.

If you do not want something to happen, stop talking about it.

The same goes for the written word. Write down what you want to happen and affirm it into being.

Affirmation Checklist

  • Keep them in the present tense
  • Keep them positive
  • Keep a "feeling"with the affirmation
  • Keep them short and specific
  • Repeat them daily
  • Act "as if" what you want is on it's way to you now

Make a point of thinking about what you want before you open your mouth. Once the words have been said they cannot be taken back.

If you said something and you didn't mean it, immediately afterwards say what you meant to say instead.

Try it for the next few days and see how many times you say something that you didn't mean or don't want to happen.

Be honest with yourself. If you don't want to do something, say that you don't. Otherwise you'll do it and regret it, or change your mind later and in doing so, let someone down.

Decide what you want to create and then start creating with your thoughts and words. Keep them positive and visualize yourself receiving what you asked for.

Try it. It works!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Everything Happens for a Reason

When something happens in your life that you weren't expecting or didn't want, such as a car accident, losing your job or perhaps a loved one falling ill, it is so easy to become so wrapped up in the problem, you can do nothing but focus on it.

As we know, the Law of Attraction, then responds to those vibrations you are sending out into the Universe, and sends you more of the same - what you don't want!

How do you address this problem? Well, I think you have to acknowledge it. I know Abraham Hicks says we should not acknowledge a reality that we don't want to face, but how else do you address your fears?

I truly believe that when you acknowledge your worst fears to yourself, you can then start with a plan on how to focus on what you do want your reality to be.

They say "a problem shared is a problem halved". I think there is some truth to this saying because you feel a sense of relief when you verbalize the problem. That somebody knows what you're going through.

The key is not to keep verbalizing the problem, (otherwise known as complaining or whining!), and start instead to focus on the SOLUTION.

Too often we get stuck in complaint mode. We are all guilty of it at some point in our lives. Simply state the problem and then ask for help, whether it's your family, friends or God!

Then you need to focus on what you do want to happen?

Visualize the end result, not the process, and focus on the positive aspects of the experience.

There is always a lesson in everything that happens to us.

If you are in a car accident and survive uninjured, it's a lesson in gratitude. That you were unharmed and have the insurance necessary to fix your car. Maybe you wanted a new car anyway?

If you lost your job, maybe a better opportunity is on it's way to you? Or you have the chance to finally realize your dreams and pursue a career you do enjoy.

If you fell ill and regained your health, it is a lesson to be grateful, and not take your health for granted. Remember, health is your most valuable asset.

What are you going through today that you need help with?

If you cannot see light at the end of the tunnel, and are so filled with anxiety that you don't know where to turn, I highly recommend using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Created by Gary Craig, a Stanford engineer, EFT is a brilliant tool for releasing that anxiety.

EFT involves tapping on the meridian points on your body to release the blocked energy. Check out his website, (, for more information. The DVD's he sells to learn this technique are invaluable.

Remember, tomorrow is another day.

Focus on the lesson you are learning and the desired solution, and not the problem.

You can do it!

Friday, June 22, 2007

You Are What You Think

Do you wake up in the morning full of energy and excited to see what this new day has to bring? Or are you, like many people, lethargic, and not quite thrilled about where you are in life?

As the saying goes, “Life is not a dress rehearsal.” Good or bad, the person you can blame for where you are now is yourself. You, and nobody else are responsible for your life today.

Your actions, words and thoughts have brought you to this exact moment in time. There are no accidents. None. It is no accident that you are reading this.

Everything that happens to you, and has happened to you in your life so far, has been "manifested" through your thoughts and actions.When you start to realize that "thoughts become things" and you begin to think about what you want—and not what you don’t want—positive changes happen almost immediately.

The reason is simple, every thought you think creates your reality. Whether it is to stay in an unhealthy relationship because you fear being alone; to remain in a job you detest because you worry if you quit nothing better will come along; your finances are a mess and you are deep in debt because you believe this is the best you can do and what you deserve—whatever the thought, it becomes a reality.

The same is true for positive outcomes. If you truly believe you deserve someone or something better in your life and open yourself up to that possibility, you start moving in that direction.

We constantly justify why we don’t like our lives and what’s wrong with them, and very rarely do we dwell on what’s right with them and how grateful we should be for all that we do have.

An attitude of gratitude will get you further than one of lack.

Remember, what you focus on expands, so if all day long you bemoan your life, guess what, you’ll get more of the same the next day. The Law of Attraction deems it so. "Like attracts like", so your negative energy will bring you more of the same, and vice versa.

So how do you change this behavior? Simple, you change the way you think. Changing your thinking changes your life.

Step one is to eject the tape that plays in your head all day long filled with negative thoughts and worst case scenarios and replace it with positive possibilities.

Other than your self-talk, how do you change your reality? Focus on what you want and visualize that outcome. Focus on the end result only. Don’t worry about the how or when. All you have to concentrate on is the what and what it look like, be like and feel like to have it.

If you can daydream, you can visualize. Use your imagination to see the future you desire and let the rest fall by the wayside. Use affirmations to state positively and in the present tense whatever you wish to attract into your life.

See yourself doing that which you desire and intend to make it happen. Words have power, especially when spoken aloud and with feeling. Repeat them daily and make sure to see yourself doing whatever you visualize. Feel how happy you will be when your wish comes true and hold onto that feeling as long as possible.

It helps if you have a special place that you can concentrate on your affirmations, if only for 5 minutes a day. Everyone has a few minutes to spare, even if it’s when you’re stuck in traffic.

Create an altar in your spare room, or a sacred space where you can be alone and all you do is think positively and daydream, visualize, all that you want to attract into your life.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step", is my favorite Buddhist quote. So start with something small like manifesting a free lunch or the perfect parking place. Once you start manifesting the small things you want in your life, you will gain confidence and will be able to manifest the larger items on your list.

I highly recommend the book, "Write it down, Make it Happen" by Henriette Klauser. In this book she talks of the power of writing something down. It makes it more real and you will be surprised when you go back a few months later to see how much you have been able to manifest into your life.

You can affirm either verbally or by writing them down. I recommend doing both. Double the odds and your chance of success.

  • Keep them in the present tense
  • Keep them positive
  • Keep a "feeling" with the affirmation
  • Keep them short and specific
  • Repeat them daily
  • Act "as if" they already happened
Make sure you add "for the highest good for all concerned" at the end of each affirmation.

It is no good asking for a million dollars if you get it through a car accident settlement and lose your leg in the process!

If manifesting has not worked in the past it is not because you are not worthy, or "doing it right", it is simply because you are not allowing it.

Let it go and let it happen. Release yourself from any attachment to the outcome, and know that you’ll be fine whether it manifests or not. All living things are made of energy and we all "vibrate" at a certain level.

If you are not manifesting what you want, you need to raise your vibrational level. How? Change how you feel, not just how you think.

Think of a time in your life when you felt the happiest and re-create that feeling and hold onto it. You will immediately feel better, and in doing so, raise your vibration. Stop punishing yourself for the life you don’t have and do something about it.

Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and Pixar Animation Studios said during his commencement address to the graduates of Stanford University in June 2005, "Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose . . . there is no reason not to follow your heart."

Love is...everything!

"The only thing that matters, at the end of a stay on Earth, is how well did you love? What was the quality of your love?"
Richard Bach

Every February 14th, hundreds of millions of people from around the world send flowers, chocolates, go out to restaurants for romantic meals, exchange gifts, jewelry and send Hallmark cards, declaring undying love for each other. Why?

This may sound cynical and that is far from my intention. I am probably the most romantic, sentimental, "believing in soul-mates" kind of person you will ever meet. I bring it up because what concerns me is the lack of love around this world the other 364 days of the year!

What are these couples doing the rest of the time? Yes, some live in bliss, but many are exchanging poison or living in silent hostility. Where do you lie in the spectrum? Are you loving, supportive and romantic to your partner all year round, or only on a day that the card companies deem it so?

I am not just talking about romantic love here. Are you loving to your parents and siblings? Your neighbors and co-workers? And, even more importantly, are you loving to yourself? How can you possibly give love to another if you don’t love yourself first?

Perhaps we would not have the need for dating services, marriage counselors, divorce attorneys, racial conflicts, injustices or war, if we could only show fellow human beings love, at all times. If we could see each other as one, all connected by a common bond - the need to be loved, maybe the world would change.

Babies die if they are not held, it’s a fact. Human beings crave the desire to be held and nurtured, to be loved. When was the last time you gave a loved one a hug and told them you love them and appreciate them, that you admire and respect them? Not because it was a special occasion but because you felt like it?

As much as people crave love, we also fear rejection. But what are we afraid of really? Is it better never to express your affection for someone in the fear of being rejected, or to be brave and do it anyway? Don’t wait until Valentine’s Day to express your love. Like the best china, don’t save love for a special occasion, use it every day.

Love and Light, Helen

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Change...for the Better

"To change, and to change for the better, are two entirely different things"
German Proverb

Why are people so afraid of change? When your life isn't working for you as well as it should, isn't change a normal progression? It should be, but people fear change as it's not the "norm".
It requires us to get out of our comfort zone, (a very dangerous place to be I might add), and set out on the path of the unknown. For many of us that's a scary place to be. You don't know what the future holds.
How do you know if you need a change? Ask yourself the following questions.

Are you stuck in a rut? Do you have the same routine, day in, day out? Is your life lacking excitement and variety?
Your behaviors and your habits have created your reality. Yes, thoughts become things, so you have to change your thinking too, but we are also creatures of habit in our actions.

Do you eat the same breakfast every day? Do you dine at the same restaurants all the time? Do you leave the office at the same time every day and follow the same route home, on auto pilot, every night?
Do you go to bed at the same time? If so, you have become a routine, not just your life. You are safe and predictable and the time has come for a shake up.

"If you keep on doing what you have always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always got"
W.L. Bateman

Remember when you were younger and you lived more spontaneously? You didn't plan your social life around what was on television, what time you had to get up in the morning, ensuring you had eight hours of sleep.
Never! You lived life to the fullest, so why aren't you now?

When my clients complain about what they don't want in their lives, of course I remind them of the Law of Attraction, that they are creating more of the same because that's what they're focusing on, but you can start today by changing small things.

Vary your routine. Shop at a different grocery store, try a new restaurant, date someone who's not your "type", learn a new language, try a new hobby, take a different route home from work. They may all be little things but they add up to big changes because it changes your everyday reality to a whole new experience.

Remember, it's not how long you live your life that counts, it's how much living you actually put into it. Stop existing and start living life to the fullest every day.
If today was your last day on Earth what would you be doing differently right now? Make the changes and watch your life change...for the better.


Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish
John Quincy Adams

I am sure you have all heard the saying, “Patience is a Virtue”.

I admit I am not a patient person all the time, not as much as I’d like to be anyway. I am extremely impatient when it comes to waiting for people who are late, I think it’s just plain rude. I try my hardest, and usually succeed, at being on time so why do most people find it so difficult?

I do, however, have infinite patience for small children, the elderly, the infirm and anyone who has a challenge of any kind. Strange but true.
Why do I address patience this month? Because you have to be patient when you are manifesting, period. Yes, it is important to “let go of attachment to the outcome”, but how can you do that if you’re constantly worrying about when your desires will manifest?

What has helped me immensely in my manifesting is looking back at my past successes and realizing that EVERYTHING has manifested at the perfect time - every time, no exception.

The Law of Gender states that everything has a gestation period. The gestation time for pregnancy, (in humans anyway), is nine months. You wouldn’t want the baby to be delivered any sooner for fear of abnormalities. Your desire is for a healthy baby.

So why would you want your desires to manifest any sooner than the perfect time? They will be delivered when the time is right, and not a moment sooner. The Universe always has perfect timing. There are no accidents.

Keeping a manifesting log, or journal, is vital to help you track all of your successes. Write down the things you want to manifest and the date. When something comes to fruition return to the log and enter the date that your desire manifested.

Sometimes it only takes a matter of days, even hours, before you receive what you want. That’s where it gets exciting. Other times it can take years, (not so exciting), and that’s where the frustration sets in, and you then start focusing on lack, and what you have NOT manifested. Then what happens? The Law of Attraction brings that to you, more of what you are not manifesting, more lack.

By focusing on your past successes, you will feel hopeful in that it is possible to create what you want because you’ve done it before. Whether it’s a parking space or diamonds is irrelevant. It takes the same amount of energy to create either. The difference is the importance, and mindset, you credit it with.

This week practice being patient. Allow someone to merge in front of you on the freeway. Smile and wave at them like you know them. It blows people away! They are simply not used to it. I get such a kick out of seeing their surprised faces, and the joy I feel when they smile and wave back.

Guess what? That raises my vibration and manifesting power. (Remember to send out into the world what you want to receive back).

Or, if you prefer, allow someone to go ahead of you in line at the grocery store. Take the extra time to breathe deeply and relax and just be. What are we all in such a hurry for anyway?

Time is passing us by too fast as it is and we are constantly wanting things faster; the immediate gratification curse at it’s finest.

I guarantee you will see a difference in your manifesting power if you practice patience and maintain a manifesting log. A gratitude journal is icing on the cake. Be grateful for what you already have and practice patience while you’re waiting for more.

Be patient with others, but more importantly with yourself. You are exactly where you need to be right now. Otherwise you’d be somewhere else, simple as that.

Indeed, patience is a virtue, and I am working at it, one day at a time. I hope you do too.

Letting Go

To manifest what you want in your life, I believe that the most important part of the equation is the "letting go".

First, you have to establish WHAT it is that you want.

Second, you have to hold the intention, and FEEL how great it will be when what you want manifests.

Third, allow whatever you are trying to attract into your life, to come to you.

Stop trying to control everything and everyone in your life.

It's like planting a seed. You make a hole in the ground, place the seed in the soil, cover it up and wait for it to grow. In the meantime you water it and EXPECT the flower to bloom. You do not keep digging up the seed to see what's happening!

Why then do we keep wondering where what we are trying to manifest is? When is it getting here? And how? That is not your problem. The Universe will take care of the WHEN and HOW.

Your sole job is to focus on the WHAT. And that is it!
Nothing more, nothing less.

Having patience and faith are the keys to letting go.

If you keep checking your watch, or calendar, and asking "When will it be here?", you are doubting the process. The Law of Attraction works, every time. If you believe it works, it does. If you believe it doesn't work, it won't.

Once your request has been received by the Universe, have faith that it is being worked on, night and day, until the very moment it manifests.

More often than not, it will appear in a different way than you had expected, and always better than you could have hoped for.

If you are so caught up in the "when" and "how" you are losing out in all the joy you can experience when you "let go" completely. Know with full faith, that whatever you want to attract in your life, will arrive at the perfect time and in the perfect way.

I have so many examples in my life of attracting what I want when I finally let go of attachment to the outcome. I chose to be happy whether or not I ever received the thing that I asked for, in the knowledge that, if I was supposed to have it, I would. When the Universe wanted me to have it, I would, and not a moment before.

We all like to try and control the direction of our lives and the people in it. If we would only let go and go with the flow, knowing that whatever happens is happening for a reason at the perfect time. Even if we don't like what that is.

If we accept that it is all divinely taken care of we can have a lot more peace in our lives.

The saying "Let go, and Let God", is so apt. Whether God for you is Allah, Buddha, Krishna, the Universe or the man in the moon, whoever it is, put your faith in whatever you believe in.

Let go and see what happens. Take your hands off the wheel and watch the boat be guided by unseen forces, and trust that you are taken care of, now and always.

Today is the day to let go.

You have been holding on to the reins of life far too tightly. Let go. Everything will be fine. It always is.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Worry: A Debt You May Never Have to Pay!

Why do we always worry? Stressing about what may never happen, can never bring you the results you desire.

Most of our lives are spent either reliving the past or worrying about the future. This is where the beauty of living in the present moment comes in. Are you happy at this very moment in time? If so, be grateful and celebrate. If not, do something about it!

As we all know, things can change, and change very quickly. If you've ever been in a near accident, you'll know exactly what I mean. That moment when your whole life flashes before you and you suddenly realize how lucky you are to have escaped serious injury or death.

What happens then? We make a promise to ourselves to not take our lives for granted and to live life to the fullest. After all, tomorrow is promised to no man.

A few weeks later, the near accident is all but forgotten, and we relapse into the old habit of taking life for granted and putting our dreams and desires on the back burner.

Is there something that you have always wanted to do? Somewhere you have wanted to visit ever since you were a small child? What are you waiting for?

People are always waiting for the "right time". If we waited for the right time and the "right circumstances" to have a baby, the population would take a serious nosedive! Who ever has enough time, money, space? We make it happen because it's a priority.

That's the key here. If you make anything a priority, it will get done. How important are your dreams to you?

If you want to start your own company, travel the world, start a family, whatever it is that you desire, the time to start is NOW.

Stop delaying the happiness that you are seeking. Find it today. It all starts with you.

YOU, and only you, are responsible for your own happiness, no-one else.

Stop worrying about how you might pay your bills or what would happen if you fell ill. You might, and then again, you might not. You'll never know until then.

Starting today, right now, leave your worries behind.

In the words of the great Bob Marley, "Don't worry. Be happy!" and watch how things you want to manifest magically appear in your life.

Worry does nothing but prevent you from experiencing happiness and in doing so, living the life of your dreams.

Dream it. Do it. Be it. Be happy!

Love and Light, Helen

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Manifesting Money

Whenever I host a workshop on the Law of Attraction, and I ask the audience what they would like to manifest in their lives, the number one answer is always the same - $$$$$ - money!

Why? Well, obvious reasons. Many people believe that money buys them happiness. I don't. I think it can make life a lot easier. Money can, however, buy the peace of mind that your bills are paid, that your family is fed and have a roof over their heads. But what is more important than money? Health of course. If you don't have that, you have nothing.

We measure wealth in the Western world by bank accounts. The true measure of wealth is how much joy you experience on a daily basis, and the quality of your health that allows you to enjoy it. So what if you're a millionaire but dying of cancer?

If you have a list of things to manifest, please make the first one "health" or "peace of mind". Both are much more valuable than money alone.

Having said that, the number one request I receive for help, as I said earlier, is how to manifest money, so let's get started.

Here are a few tips on how you can attract money to you, easily and effortlessly.

First, the best way to let the Universe know that you're open to accepting money is to give some away. WHAT?????? I hear your say. I need to receive money, not give it away! Yes, you heard me right. Send a check to a charity of your choice. Not a huge amount but more than you can currently afford. Just enough to make you feel uncomfortable writing the check. Give the check with love, knowing that more money is on it's way to you now. It's time to have faith!

This is known as tithing and a lot of people swear by this, especially religious organizations, such as churches. The process of tithing says that if you donate 10% of your income to the church, or a non-profit, that prosperity will flow back to you tenfold. Try it and see if it works for you, and help out a great cause at the same time!

The second tip, is to clear all clutter from your home and work life. Clean out all of your closets and donate what you don't use. What's the rule of thumb? If you haven't used something in the past 6 months, chances are you won't use it in the next 6 months. Instead, give the item to someone who could benefit from owning it now.

Clear your office or work space of loose papers and outdated documents. File it or shred it! Clear your desk of anything you are not currently using to do your job.

Clean out your car. Wash the outside and vacuum the inside. The inside of your car is a reflection of the inside of your mind. Are you holding on to things you don't use? Are there dirty food wrappers and empty drink containers on the floor? Is your glove box so full of junk you can hardly close it?

Empty everything as much as possible. The Universe hates a vacuum and will want to fill it as soon as there is space. So, by giving money away, you create room for more to come to you!

Thirdly, get quiet! Meditate on the amount of money you want to attract into your life. Write down the amount on a piece of paper and imagine yourself receiving that exact amount. How would you feel?

Whether it's money to pay off debt and be stress free, (in which case you might feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders), or it's having the money for your dream vacation, (where you feel like a millionaire). SEE yourself doing the very thing that you want the money for.

If you need the money for a new car. SEE yourself driving it, FEEL how great it is to have a safe, reliable, luxury car - whatever is important to you.

The fourth and final step is to ALLOW it to come to you. Stop stressing and checking the mail box every five minutes. The Universe has perfect timing! It will come EXACTLY at the right time, always has, always will.

STOP trying to determine HOW it will come and when. The beauty of using the Law of Attraction is that the ONLY thing you have to focus on is the WHAT.

What do you want? $10,000.00? Be specific. As I said before, write down the amount and focus only on that.

If you try and figure out HOW or WHEN the money is coming, you may be limiting the Universe to the ways in which the money can arrive.

Relax! Breathe~

$$$$$$$$ is on it's way to you now.

Write to me when the money arrives and let me know your story.
I look forward to hearing from you!

Love and Light, Helen