
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Stop Resisting Your Calling

"If you are paralyzed with fear it's a good sign.
It shows you what you have to do".
                                           Steven Pressfield

If you haven't read "The War of Art" by +Steven Pressfield, go buy a copy today.

I read it several years ago.

The book was featured on Super Soul Sunday this morning when +Oprah
interviewed Steven.

Steven talks a lot about resistance.

Why do we resist our calling?

Fear is the main cause.

The bigger your fear, the bigger your calling.

We resist that thing we want, and need, to do the most.

Think of how bad you feel every time
you promise yourself,
"Today is the day I will start that workout routine/
painting / book / dance", etc.

You make excuses as to why it can't happen and
before you know it, another day has gone by,
another week, another month, another year.

When are you going to STOP resisting your calling?

I am as guilty as anyone else.

I have two books I have yet to finish.

People have been asking me for years when will they be finished.

What am I waiting for?

Maybe encouragement and validation that I am
good enough to get published?

Will anyone read what I have to say?

Is anyone reading this blog?

The bottom line is whether anyone will read them or not,
I have to write so I can get the words out of my head.

The more I resist, the more it persists.

Does anyone else feel this way?

What are you resisting?

As the Nike commercial says, "Just do it!"

Stop talking about it and do one thing today
to put you on the road to your calling.

Finally silence that voice in your head
that's telling you to do it,
by doing it!

Let me know what your calling is.

I'll help you any way I can.

In the meantime, I have a book to finish...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

You Get What You Expect

"Expect your every need to be met.
 Expect the answer to every problem.
 Expect abundance on every level"
                                        Eileen Caddy

If you get what you expect,
what are you expecting today?

For those of you that see the glass as half empty,
you are probably waiting for the other shoe to drop.
You are most likely expecting the worst.

Those of you who see the glass as half full,
will, most likely, be grateful for that half
and hopeful of positive expectations.

Why would you waste time and energy worrying
and expecting something bad?

Remember, Law of Attraction (LOA) responds to your feelings.

If you are feeling depressed and full of gloom and doom,
there is no way you can manifest anything
other than more of the same.

LOA is a Universal law.

It has to send you more of what you are focusing on.

How much of your day is spent focusing on the things
you are dreading or fearful of?

Wouldn't it be much more fun to daydream and
fantasize about what you can attract into your life?

Take 5 minutes a day, everyone can do that,
to sit and dream about what you want to see in your life.

Think about how great you'll feel once you get that desire fulfilled.

More importantly, hold onto that great feeling,
and pretend it's already here.

The good feelings you maintain will manifest
that wish into reality for you.

Don't believe me?

Try it for a week and see how your life changes.

People will start to comment on how happy you look,
and before you know it,
you'll have those things you dream about.

You haven't gotten what you've wanted so far because
you've either been focusing on the lack of it,
or the timing isn't right.

Keep affirming and visualizing, and soon it will be time.

Do your part!

Let the Universe know you expect help and it will be given.

Expect your dreams to manifest and they will.

Exactly on time and not a minute sooner.

The key is to enjoy your life while you wait.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Living Life Without Regrets

"Unfortunately, the clock is ticking,
 the hours are going by.
The past increases, the future recedes.
Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting"
                                                 Haruki Murakami

What is your biggest regret in your life?

Did it happen because you were afraid to take action?

What are you afraid of?

Not having the money or time to accomplish your dreams?

The truth is every day we are closer to death.

Remembering that you are going to die one day
is the best reason to do what you want to do.

Not to be morbid but none of us can escape death
and we don't ever know when it will come for us.

Don't wait until a diagnosis or tragedy strikes to do
what your soul yearns to do.

One day you might decide to finally strike out
and go for it
only to be told you are too late.

Live NOW and embrace every opportunity
that comes your way.

If there are none, make some!

The worst thing that can happen is that you do nothing,
and when that day finally arrives that you depart this Earth,
you will be full of regret.

A life lived with few regrets is one where the soul got to
live out it's purpose.

What is your purpose?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Be Kind to Yourself

"Your body hears everything your mind says"
                                              Naomi Judd

What was the last conversation you had with yourself?

Was it kind?

If you're a woman, chances are it was pretty brutal.

Women are so critical of themselves and their bodies.

The media portrays stereotypes of the perfect body.

Women that feel their body doesn't compare
to that ideal generally feel bad about themselves.

You will never love yourself if you talk unkindly to yourself.

I have heard many women say dreadful things about their bodies
that if they ever said to another woman
might earn them a slap!

Instead of berating the size of your thighs, be grateful you have legs!
An amputee or paraplegic would gladly swap places with you.

Instead of complaining about your hair, be happy you have some.
A chemotherapy patient would love to have your hair instead of being bald.

Be grateful for the body you have.

All that matters is that you are healthy.

If you start talking to yourself with more love and respect, you will start to see
your body respond in kind.

What you resist persists.

The more you complain about being overweight, the more overweight you will become.

The Law of Attraction HAS to send you more of what you put your attention on.

Where are you putting your attention?

What are you saying to yourself?

The biggest indicator of what you are attracting into your future is what you are
saying to yourself every day.

Steer clear of negativity and affirm positive emotions and you will see the tide turn.

Be grateful for what you have in your life, your health, your body, your mind and expect
more good to come.

You get what you expect.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Know When to Stay Still, Know When to Act

"There are times to stay put,
and what you want will come to you,
and there are times to go out into the world,
and find such a thing for yourself"
                                    Lemony Snicket

One of the successful keys to manifesting is knowing when to stay where you are
and do nothing but wait,
and knowing when to take action and move out of your comfort zone.

How do you know the difference between the two?

Therein lies the problem.

Most people are so busy being "busy" they don't know how to be still and listen.

Those being still, not in meditation but parked in front of the TV, don't know how to
take action. They are paralyzed from being in their comfort zone so long.

You will only take action when you are inspired to do so
the pain to remain where you are, or who you are, becomes unbearable.

If you are staying still, (notice I say still not stagnant), then you will have a chance
to listen to your soul's yearning.

Don't let those cries be in vain.

Cast away the fear and grasp the future with open arms.

What does your soul yearn to do?

What are you afraid of?

What do you have to lose?

Will you ever get what you want sitting back and watching your life drift by?

Get clear on what you want.

Affirm it.

Visualize it.

And take some form of action to make it a reality.

Let the Universe know that you are ready to play.

You have been sitting on the bench for far too long.

You are done with being an observer and sitting on the sidelines waiting for
your life to start.

It has already started without you.

The time has come to be the star player in this game called Life.

What move will you make next?

What do you need to do to win?

You can never score a goal if you don't take the shot.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Manifest the Life You Want

"Your life is a book; make it a bestseller"
                                        Shannon Grey

If life is a book, what chapter are you on today?

If you don't like it, why not start afresh?

Today create a new chapter in your life and fill it with the experiences
YOU want, no-one else.

You cannot have someone else write a chapter in your life and then
complain about it to them.

You are the creator of your life.

You are the Author.

Don't give someone else the responsibility of creating your reality
when they cannot know what you want better than you do.

Only you truly know what makes you happy.

Stop deferring to others.

Live your life as you dreamed it and make it happen.

No-one else can write the book of your life, but you.

Start writing it today and make it count!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Create Your Own Luck

"Recast your problems into proactive goals"
                                                   Suze Orman

Everything that happens to you in your life can be used as a tool.

You can make the choice to use what happens as an opportunity
to further your progress in life,
or use it as an excuse to do nothing.

You create your own luck.

A problem can be used as a catalyst to catapult your life in the direction you want
if you learn from the situation.

The saying, "Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" has a ring of truth to it.

You can use the anger, hurt or frustration to whatever happened to you in the past
to incite you to take action towards your goals.

What is it that you truly want from your life?

Make a list of the things that you HAVE to have in your life and make a decision to get them.

Take some form of action every day, even if it's just making one phone call,
do something
to point you in the direction you want to go.

Monitor your thoughts and feelings.

Your feelings are the biggest indicator of what you are attracting into your life right now.

You always have a choice.

You can dwell on your disappointments and challenges
you can focus on your abilities and desired outcomes.

Whatever emotions you decide will create your life,
not the circumstances that currently surround you.

Choose to be lucky and then go and create it.

It's all up to you.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Happiness is the Manifesting Magnet

"Try to be like the turtle -
at ease in your own shell"
                           Bill Copeland

To be truly happy and able to manifest what you want you have to be happy
with yourself.

If you aren't comfortable in your own skin and enjoy your own company,
how can you expect others to?

Time spent alone will allow you to focus on what you do want to please yourself
and not everyone else.

There are people who spend all day every day keeping so busy that they don't have a
moment to themselves.

They do this on purpose so as to not address the issues that are bothering them.

What do you need to address today?

You will have to be still and listen.

Clarity cannot be found amidst noise.

The truth will appear in the space that silence creates.

If you're not happy about something in your life, only you can fix it.

Whatever it is you're not happy with, you have the ability to change it.

You cannot and should not rely on others as a source of happiness.

When you are happy with yourself, no matter what outside circumstances are,
you are able to manifest more happiness.

When you are down and unhappy, you attract more of the same.

Law of Attraction will match your vibration, every time.

Positive emotions, laughter, joy, happiness are a magnet for the things you want.

Do whatever you can to increase your vibration and not only will you feel happier,
you'll manifest what you want that much sooner.

Don't worry, get happy!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Overcoming Tragedy & Loss

"Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom,
not a guide by which to live"
                                    Robert Kennedy

Today it has been 12 years since that fateful day where thousands of lives were lost in the
9/11 tragedy.

Thousands of families left behind were directly impacted by their loss and millions of us
grieved with them.

Every time I watch the footage I think of the people on those planes and in the towers.

What were they thinking?

Who did they call?

The calls that were made that day were to tell their loved ones how much they loved them.

They were not calling about work, or keeping a grudge, not forgiving someone,
or to clean the house.

They were all about LOVE.

I will never forget them.

Our lesson to learn today is that tragedy can strike at any time.

Why wait for that moment to happen before you tell someone you love them or forgive them?

The best honor we can bestow upon those who lost their life on 9/11 is to live our lives
to the fullest every day.

A tragedy is made even worse if we live in it.

We have to learn from it and move forward by vowing to be the best people we can be,
all the time, not just when disaster strikes.

The City of New York came together in an unprecedented way on that day.

The world came together and watched in disbelief and mourned and cried in horror
at the enormity of the tragedy.

Now it's back to business as usual.

What did we really learn from this?

If we learn nothing, and change nothing, their deaths were in vain.

Don't wait to be on that plane, metaphorically speaking, to make that call.

Make it today.

Make amends.

Make peace.

Nothing matters at the end of the day but how did you love?

It is not time that heals all wounds, it is love that heals.

If we love each other, this kind of tragedy can never happen again.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 the Key to Life

"Faith is taking the first step even when
 you don't see the whole staircase"
                               Martin Luther King Jr.

We all have to trust, in one form or another, at some point in our lives.

We have to trust that others will do the right thing.

Often times we are let down and disappointed when our trust is violated.

This is where faith steps in.

We have to keep the faith that everything is unfolding exactly as it should,
and for our highest good.

Sometimes there are lessons to be learned that we may not like while we are
experiencing them, but after the lesson is over and time has passed, we can then
see the value.

What or who do you need to have faith in today?

Yourself? Your boss? Your loved ones?

The most important person you have to trust is yourself.

Your gut, your intuition, will always guide you if you just listen.

It is not enough to just listen though, you have to act as well.

So, if your gut is telling you something today, LISTEN
and then do something about it.

Have faith that you will be able to deal with whatever it is telling you.

If you aren't ready to make a decision yet, listen more and trust that you
will act when the time is right.

Faith is having the belief in the unknown and the unseen.

Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

If you believe in a Higher Power, or in your Higher Self, you
will start to see evidence that there is a Divine timing to all things.

Have faith that what you need will arrive exactly when you need it
and not a minute sooner.

Things work out for our greatest good, they always do.

The toughest times in my life actually ended up being the best
in terms of character building and making me the person I am today.

For that I am forever grateful.

My faith got me through those times.

Faith that things would turn around for the better.

Faith in humanity.

Faith in myself.

Faith that I could not only survive but thrive after the storm cleared.

Even when you don't know what the future has in store for you, and
are fearful to move ahead, take the first step.

The rest will be revealed to you on the journey.

If you never take that first step you'll never know how great your life can be.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Free to Live the Life of Your Dreams

"A big part of financial freedom
is having your heart and mind free
from worry about the what-ifs of life"
                                 Suze Orman

If you weren't worrying about money today,
what would you be focusing on?

Whatever it is, go do it.

If you want to paint, paint.

If you want to write, write.

Of course, bills must be paid.

But if you focus on lack and worry,
the Law of Attraction will bring you more.

You have to focus on the things that make you happy
and they will raise your vibration.

Believe it or not, doing something you love will help
you attract that money you need faster than focusing
on how you are going to make that money.

When you make happiness your point of attraction,
you will see the things you want manifest into reality even faster.

Start affirming abundance and prosperity into your life.

"I am financially secure".

"I am supported abundantly today, and every day in my future"

"I am responsible for my own abundance and financial well being"

"I create my own world"

It is time for you to believe you DESERVE this abundance.

If you don't feel worthy, you can never attract it.

Affirm that you are worthy and feel deserving
and you will start to see abundance manifest in your life.

Go with the flow.

Visualize your financial blocks or debt
being successfully removed
and ALLOW financial flow to come to you.

Ask the Universe to send you unexpected money
from numerous sources, such as
an unexpected gift, a refund, a cancelled debt, etc.

Give thanks and recognize when it happens.

"I graciously accept good into my life now"

"I deserve this abundance and give thanks for receiving it"

Change your thoughts and emotions around money.

Money is not the be-all and end-all to life.

Money simply gives you the freedom to enjoy your life the way you want to.

You have the ability to manifest abundance or lack.

Which one will you choose today?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Keep Calm & Carry On

"You are the sky. Everything else - it's just the weather"
                                            Pema Chodron

There are times in our lives when we feel so stressed we can barely breathe.

We may find ourselves holding our breath or losing our temper more quickly than usual.

The question is, why do we allow ourselves to be consumed with stress?

Why do we react this way?

We live in a fast paced world.

Everything has to happen as quickly as possible, but for what?

Often when we race to do something mistakes are made and accidents happen.

What are you stressed about today?

The best thing you can do for yourself is to become calm and stay that way.

Be still and know that everything is evolving exactly as it should.

Running yourself ragged will help no-one and you'll probably end up with an even
bigger to-do list by the end of the day.

Start today by eliminating any unnecessary tasks from your list
and make sure the top of the list is

Being stressed all the time raises your level of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Your body will hold on to fat, especially around your middle, when you have excess
cortisol in your system.

So, if you want to lose that spare tire, lose the stress!

Nothing ever gets done in the eye of the hurricane.

It is in the calmness of the aftermath that we find peace
and revel in the gratitude for what we have.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Go With the Flow

"Even if you fall on your face,
you're still moving forward"
                                     Victor Kiam

Have you ever tried hard to make something happen to no avail?

No matter what you did it wasn't enough?

Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

You don't see the ocean struggle.

The tides just ebb and flow and follow their natural rhythm.

When you're putting in huge amounts of effort, it's like rowing against the tide.

Sometimes you just have to let go.

Put the oars down and relax.

Sit back in the boat and see where the tide will carry you.

If all the action is not producing results, maybe your attempts are in the wrong direction.

Relax, breathe and trust that the flow will carry you exactly where you need to go.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Your Comfort Zone is a Dangerous Place to Be

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone"
                                              Neale Donald Walsch

As creatures of habit it is all too easy for us to become complacent and live in our
comfort zone.

However, your dreams do not reside in your comfort zone.

Your dreams exist outside of that place where you no longer challenge yourself.

If your life has become routine and mundane, that's a key indicator you are stuck
in your comfort zone!

The time has arrived for you to escape your self-imposed prison.

You are just existing, not truly living.

What do you really want your life to look like?

What excites you and makes you feel alive?

Why aren't you doing it?

Yes, it's safe and predictable in your comfort zone,
but you didn't come here just to survive,
you came here to thrive.

Anything worth having takes a risk.

You have nothing to risk from leaving your comfort zone, other than actually
achieving your dreams!

It is no longer serving you to stay in a place of stagnation.

To truly grow, you have to spread your wings and fly.

You are reading this today for a reason.

The time has come for you to flourish
and you won't do it by staying where you are now.

What changes can you make today?

What habits can you release to allow your true self
to shine through and achieve what you came here to do?

Out with the old and in with the new.

Step out into the unknown and see what adventure awaits you.

It all starts with you, one step at a time.

Start today and you'll be one step nearer to seeing your dreams become a reality.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pay Attention to Your Dreams

"If you can dream it, you can do it"
                                          Walt Disney

When you are dreaming, there is no sense of boundaries and what is, or is not, possible.

It just is.

They make you feel good and that anything is possible.

It's when you wake up that you jolt back to reality and say "Oh, but that was just a dream".

If you have had a dream for your life but don't see it as a possibility you won't bring it into

If you just shift your perception and believe it can materialize, you open the door for it to

If you believe it's just a dream and can never happen, you have destined it so.

You have a dream in your heart because you're supposed to pursue it.

Your dreams are the window to your reality.

Pay attention.

Your subconscious is talking to you in your sleep.

Whatever vision you have for your life, you can manifest into reality IF you believe
it's possible.

You wouldn't have the dream in your heart if you weren't meant to live it.

Stop thinking about why it's not possible.

Instead start focusing on the possibility that it could manifest and how wonderful that feels.

Pay attention to your feelings and what they are creating.

If you are focusing on a reality that you don't like, change it.

Never settle for good enough.

You deserve the best!

You can achieve extraordinary goals if you just focus your attention on what you want.

Change your thoughts, actions and feelings towards your dreams instead of away
from them.

Prioritize your time and focus on your dreams and before you know it, they will start
to manifest into reality.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Never Give up on Your Dreams

"Success consists of going from failure to failure,
without loss of enthusiasm"
                                         Winston Churchill

Has there been something you have been wanting to manifest for some time now
and it just hasn't come to fruition?

Don't be discouraged.

The Universe has perfect timing.

It will arrive, just not on your timeline.

You probably want it NOW.

We live in a society of instant gratification where we expect the things we want
to arrive quickly.

We feel a sense of entitlement.

"I deserve it and I want it now!"

Let's say you want a new sofa but cannot afford one.

So you decide to put it on a credit card and make payments because you just can't wait.

You get it delivered the next day. The only problem is you might be paying for it
for a long time to come, and end up paying a lot more than the ticket price, after all the interest
is added.

The irony is, by the time you have paid it off, you will most likely need a new one.

Wouldn't it have been better to wait and save, and have the satisfaction of being able to pay
cash, knowing that it was earned and appreciated?

Your dreams are like the sofa.

If everything you want came to you instantly, you wouldn't appreciate them.

There would be no value.

But, by putting in the work, and waiting patiently for them to manifest, you have
more appreciation for them when they do arrive.

The Law of Gestation says everything has a waiting period before it can actualize into reality.

All those thoughts you are thinking and actions you are taking, to manifest what you want,
cannot manifest instantly.

Think about it, you really wouldn't want them to.

The key to successful manifesting is to have PATIENCE and FAITH.

Have patience knowing that timing is everything, and the faith that it will come.

Never give up!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A New Day, A New Beginning

"There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...
not going all the way, and not starting"

Today is a fresh start.

Whatever happened in your life yesterday is in the past, so why dwell on it?

You cannot change what has happened but you can focus on what you want
to happen today.

We waste so much time re-hashing the past and our mistakes, all to no avail.

The only control we have is over the present.

Focus your thoughts and actions on the positive and what you WANT instead
of bemoaning what you don't want.

The longer you focus on what you don't want, or wishing something hadn't happened,
the more likely you are to attract more of the same.

Your emotions are the biggest indicators of what you are manifesting in your life.

What more incentive could you have to make sure you stay happy and in a positive frame
of mind?

The Law of Attraction reacts to vibrations (vibes), your feelings, more than the words you speak.

You can say affirmations all day long but if you feel terrible when you say them, they are not
resonating with you and therefore will not manifest.

So, today, instead of waiting for New Years Day to make your resolutions, make them now
with the intention of starting afresh.

It doesn't matter whether it's a relationship, a goal or a feeling you want to change.

Every day is a new beginning, every day, every hour, every minute.

They will never repeat again so cherish the moment and make sure you are putting your
attention on what you want to happen instead of what you don't want.

Slowly but surely you will start to see a change for the better.

Don't waste a minute of your precious time on regret. It is a wasted emotion.

Nothing can be done about the past but everything can be done about your future.

Wipe the slate clean and start anew today.

You will never regret a fresh start.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Dream BIG!

"If you don't design your own life plan,
chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan.
And guess what they have planned for you?
Not much".
                                          Jim Rohn

What do you dream your life could be?

What is your plan?

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

You HAVE to have a plan.

If you want to get in shape you have to adopt a healthy eating plan and workout.

If you want to save money, you have to open a savings account and make investments.

If you want to meet the love of your life, you won't meet them sitting on your couch.

You have to make a plan!

Before you even think of making the plan, you have to be very clear on exactly WHAT you want.

Once you have created a clear picture of what you want, you have a greater chance of attracting it.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve what you want if you are not clear what that is.

When you make the list, or a vision board, make it FABULOUS!

Refuse to settle for mediocrity.

Think of the most amazing life for yourself, and then add something even better.

Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed, not survived.

What have you been dreaming of all your life?

Why don't you have it?

You have to believe you are worthy or it can never come to you.

I like to play the "Wouldn't it be nice if..." game.

E.g.Wouldn't it be nice if someone sent me flowers today....

Wouldn't it be nice if I got a parking space outside the club...

Wouldn't it be nice if....

Whatever "it" is, expect it to happen.

Before long, you will see how easy it is to manifest what you want and attract it very quickly.

Just like you go to a restaurant and order a dish and expect it to arrive like the picture on the menu,
you have to expect what you desire to arrive this way too.

Your worry and doubt cancel the order.

Expect something WONDERFUL today and let me know when it arrives!

Email me your manifesting story, or comment on this blog.

Dream big! Make it count.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Own Your Power

"Power is like being a lady...
if you have to tell people you are, you aren't"
                                  Margaret Thatcher

A powerful person has confidence and lots of it.

They do not ask for permission.

They create a plan and execute it.

They don't make excuses.

They BELIEVE in themselves.

They believe it can be done and they do it.

They know they are powerful beings and they own it.

Are you using your power to create the life you want?

Or are you sitting back on the sidelines watching others succeed?

YOU have the power to create your life exactly how you want to.

You have been creating it up to this point, just not the way you wanted, by focusing
on the negative instead of the positive.

It's not too late to turn things around and finally step into your power. Own it!

You don't do anyone a favor by keeping yourself small and not using your talents.

Use your power for good.

Stand up for yourself. Do it with respect, but do it.

If you can't speak your truth you cannot expect others to read your mind.

It takes a strong, tenacious person to follow their dreams. They have a vision.

Are you strong? Are you persistent?

Are you aware of your own power and capabilities?

From this day forward, own your power and refuse to settle.

Allow no-one to belittle you or shoot down your dreams.

The day has arrived for you to use your power and finally start manifesting the life
you always wanted.

Nothing can stop you, only YOU.

The Universe is waiting to hear from you.

Let it hear you say, "I am powerful".

Then prove it.