
Saturday, August 31, 2013

I AM....

"Whatever follows "I am..." will find you"
                                          Joel Osteen

Words have power!

We have to always be mindful of what we say lest we end up affirming something we don't want.

How many times a day do you say, "I am tired", "I am fed up", "I am...",
affirming more of what you don't want.

Too many times we state negativity without even meaning to.

It just becomes a habit.

Today take the time to think before you speak and,
if your sentence starts with "I am...",
make sure to add something wonderful afterwards.

"I am beautiful", "I am smart", "I am kind", "I am funny", etc.

It's not about being arrogant or conceited, it's about affirming the good so you get more of it.

If you can't say anything good about yourself, how can you expect others to?

Affirmations are powerful but so are the emotions behind them.

By stating positive affirmations you can get yourself into a better frame of mind
and therefore
raise your vibrations and your manifesting powers.

If you are asking for something but not believing it, you are cancelling out the order.

Think of manifesting like placing an order with the Universe.

When you place an order over the internet you EXPECT the package to arrive.

It's the same with expecting the things you want to come to you.

You get what you expect!

Doubt and negativity cancel out the order, every time.

Make your positive affirmations today and expect them to arrive.

It's like magic.

The more you manifest, the easier it becomes.

It's all up to you and it starts with what follows "I AM..."

Friday, August 30, 2013

Don't Worry, Be Happy

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy"
                                              Dalai Lama

Worry is such a wasted emotion.

Your purpose here on Earth is to be happy.

Are you happy?

When was the last time you cried with laughter? A good old belly laugh.

Most often if we are not happy it's because we are focusing on lack.

We believe that having that certain thing will bring us happiness.

But it works the other way around.

When you get happy, you will then attract all the things you are wanting.

So if you are struggling with worry today, whether it's about a relationship or finances.

Your priority is to be happy, period.

No matter what it takes, do something that makes you feel good.

Rent a funny movie, go watch the sunset, play with your dog.

Whatever feels good will raise your vibration.

It is the raising of your vibration that you will increase your ability
to manifest what you desire.

If it doesn't make you happy, don't do it.

Let go of the people pleaser attitude.

Better to not do something at all than to do something and be resentful.

Do it with a happy heart or not at all.

What will you do today to be happy?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Risky Business

"And the day came when the risk to remain
 tight in a bud was more painful
than the risk to blossom"
                                               Anais Nin

Are you tired of wanting a change in your life but not feeling ready to make that change?

What are you waiting for?

Well, you're human.

Human beings don't like change.

We like consistency and routine.

Change scares many of us.

But sometimes it is more painful to remain where you are than to take a risk and change your life.

Why are we afraid to take risks?

Often it is because we want certainty that everything will turn out better than before.

The very definition of risk is "the possibility of suffering harm or loss".

Nobody wants to lose anything (other than weight perhaps).

There are no guarantees in life.

But what if you took a risk, took that leap of faith, that if you stretch yourself a little more,
you can give up the good for the GREAT?

If it's not even good to begin with, you're really risking nothing by trying.

If you stay where you are, life is guaranteed to bring you the same results.

Something you don't want.

Weigh the risk and then take action.

Is it worth changing?

If it is, then do it.

Do it today.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Stop Making Excuses

"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way.
If you don't, you'll find an excuse."
                                                          Jim Rohn

Have you been wanting to do something but keep making an excuse as to why it isn't happening?

Maybe you want to go back to school but you keep telling yourself you don't have the time, or
you can't afford it?

Are you in a relationship where you keep making excuses for someone's poor behavior?

Whatever the excuse is, it is preventing you from having what you really want.

If you truly want to achieve a goal, nothing will prevent you from achieving it.

However, if your goal is half-hearted you will come up with every excuse in the book as
to why it can't happen.

Make a list of the things you want to achieve this year, and then eliminate a few that you
realize you have had on your list for years, yet have done nothing towards achieving them.

Let's be real, if you really wanted them, you would have taken some action towards getting them.

Today, do just one thing to set you on the path to achieving one goal, no matter how big or small.

Action is the key.

Wishing for things will never make them happen.

Take action and the Universe will realize you are serious and aid you in achieving your dreams.

Wishing and wanting will not make it so, but wishing and wanting and doing will!

No more excuses.

As the Nike slogan says, "Just do it!"

You'll be glad you did.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

There is No Such Thing as a Mistake

"No matter how many mistakes you make
or how slow you progress,
you are still way ahead of everyone who
isn't trying"
                     Tony Robbins

There is no such thing as a mistake!

That failed relationship wasn't a mistake.

You learned what you want from a partner and what behaviors you won't accept
in a relationship.

That job you hated wasn't a mistake.

You learned the necessary skills to get you the next job.

That car accident you attracted wasn't a mistake.

You learned to appreciate the value of life and how quickly it can be taken away from you.

As long as we are learning, nothing is ever a mistake.

You are moving ahead in your life exactly as you need to.

Is there something you want to do but fear making a mistake?

Instead of being fearful of making a mistake, you should be fearful of never trying.

What if you allow that fear to prevent you from living your life purpose because you are too
afraid of failing?

If you don't even try, that is a failure.

Today think of something you want to do and just do it.

Quit making excuses.

Whether you succeed or fail is dependent upon you but if you don't try at all,
that is a guaranteed failure.

Trying and failing is better than not trying at all.

What will you try today?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Choose Wisely

"Be miserable.
Or motivate yourself.
Whatever has to be done,
it's always your choice"
                            Wayne Dyer

Have you ever met someone who is always unhappy no matter when or where you see them?

By the same token you probably know someone who is always happy and has a smile on their
face no matter the circumstance?

What is the difference between them?

Simply the CHOICE to be happy and see the good in life.

Ironically enough, from my experience, the ones who have every reason to complain, don't
and the ones that have nothing to complain about, do!

Everything has a pay off.

Humans do nothing without a reason.

People who have drama in their lives, thrive on it.

It makes them feel alive.

It becomes addictive.

If there is no drama going on in their lives, they will create it!

Stay away from these people.

You know who they are!

Maybe you are related to some of them?

There is no room for toxic people in your life.

If they are not adding positivity to your life, there is no need to have them around.

I know it sounds harsh but you truly have to protect yourself from their negativity.

You cannot afford to have such an energy disruption.

It will prevent you from achieving your goals by wasting your time with such energy vampires.

If you feel depleted and exhausted after talking to or seeing someone, then that's your indication that you need to spend less time with this person.

When you start separating yourself from this person, one of two things will happen.

They will either stop complaining and get with the program, or they will drop away out of your life.

Just remember, it's your choice.

Choose happiness!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

"It's never too late"
                          Mike Dooley, TUT

I remember back when I was a teenager babysitting a young girl of 8 years old.
She asked me, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

She said she wanted to be a ballerina.

How many of you out there still don't know what you want to be when you grow up?

Or, even worse, you know but aren't doing anything about it?

Instead you are choosing a life of stability at a job you hate, but you go to every day to pay your bills.

Is it because you don't believe it can happen?

Or because you don't feel you deserve it?

You cannot attract the life you want until you BELIEVE you can
believe that you DESERVE it!

I am by no means advocating you all quit your day jobs.

But what if you started working on your dream life in the evenings instead of watching TV all night?

What if you worked on your dream at the weekends?

What if....?

If you have a dream in your heart, it was put there for a reason.

God gave you the ability to see it through to fruition.

Otherwise you wouldn't have been blessed with the talents you have.

You were meant to use them!

Think about what gives you joy.

What makes you forget the time when you are doing it?

Whatever you are good at is most likely what you are supposed to be doing.

As long as you have breath in your lungs it is not too late.

Start today, you'll be glad you did.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Believe in Yourself!

"Believe in Yourself! Have faith in your possibilities!
Without a humble but reasonable confidence
in your own powers
you cannot be successful or happy".
                                           Norman Vincent Peale

At some time or another in our lives we all experience self doubt.

If you experience it the majority of the time this will result in low self-esteem.

The common denominator of all the successful people in this world is that they
believed in their own abilities and felt they deserved to succeed.

Hard work will get you a long way, it may also bring you financial success, but it
won't necessarily bring you happiness.

If you are having doubt in your abilities, it might be because you're comparing yourself
with someone else's success.

This is the worst thing you can do.

There will always be someone richer, in better shape and more successful than you.

The key is to be happy with what you have and make it work for you.

If you don't believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to?

What is your definition of success?

You have to define it before you can achieve it.

Make a list of what success means to you and create your goals from that list.

Your goals will be a mixture of daily, weekly, monthly and annual.

What matters is that they are specific and measurable and have a timeframe.

For example, if you want to book a vacation but feel you can't afford it at this time.

Decide to open a separate checking account and every week deposit $50 from cutting out unnecessary expenditures.

(You know what I'm talking about, that trip to Target where you went for shampoo and came out with a cart full of "good deals". That shampoo ended up costing you $100! Or that Happy Hour that set you back $50).

That's a savings of $200 per month. $2,400 after a year. A good start for that well deserved vacation.

Believe in your abilities to achieve your goals.

If you have a plan you can do it.

Otherwise you are just squandering your time and money and wishing for change instead of
making it happen!

Believe you CAN do it and you will.

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Power of Focus

"One reason so few of us achieve what we really want
 is that we never direct our focus,
we never concentrate our power.
Most people dabble their way through life,
never deciding to master anything in particular"
                                                         Tony Robbins

The secret to success is FOCUS.

Too often my clients get exasperated that what they want is not coming to them fast enough.

After I diagnose where they are putting their focus, (on the LACK of what they want), there is no surprise that they haven't attracted what they want in their life.

What are you focusing on today?

Your finances (or lack of), your relationships (or lack of), your dream home (or lack of)... you
get the picture.

Think of focus like a laser beam.

When a laser beam is focused it can cut through steel.

How much of your day do you spend focused on what you don't want?

What if you changed your focus to dedicating your spare time to improving
just one area of your life?

When you pick too many things to change at once it's overwhelming.

Choose one area in your life that causes you the most concern, or the most joy,
and choose to focus on improving it.

If your goal is to write a book, all the wishing in the world won't make you an Author.

But if you focus and write a page a day, you'll have 365 pages at the end of the year.

Then if you focus on getting published, buy the book The Writers Market, listing all the
literary agents and send them a book proposal.

You could even do it the other way around, write the proposal first and then write the book
when you get the deal.

Either way, you just need to stay focused every day and before you know it, you'll have what
you want.

Just remember.


Where will you put your focus today?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Don't Worry, Be Happy

"Most folks are as happy as they make up
their minds to be"
                                Abraham Lincoln

When  you woke up this morning did you wake up happy or sad?

Maybe you woke up happy but then you got stuck in traffic and were late for work,
only to find out your boss gave you a project with a deadline you can't possible meet.

Now you're in the worst mood.

Do you have to be?


You allowed your circumstances to dictate your happiness.

There will always be challenges in life so if you allow outside influences to determine your
mood, you'll never be happy.

Instead you can make a choice every day to see the good in everything that happens and
CHOOSE happiness.

You can be having the worst day but as long as you choose to stay out of the drama you
can achieve that serenity you so desperately seek.

A few ways to do that are to take ten deep breaths. You can do it anywhere and it's free.

As you're reading this you're probably holding your breath or shallow breathing. How often do
you take a full breath and appreciate the fact you can breathe? Some people can't.

Take a few minutes out of your day to meditate. That doesn't mean sitting cross-legged chanting.

It means finding ten minutes of quiet time to reflect on your day and stopping that maddening
chain of thoughts that occupy your mind 24/7.

Hit the mute button on your thoughts!

I guarantee that when you're done, you'll feel so much gratitude for everything in your life you'll
make it a daily habit.

Forget the to-do list and just BE.

You are a human BE-ing not a human do-ing.

Get still and GET HAPPY! :)

Why would you choose anything else??

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Smile with Your Eyes

"We shall never know all the good
 that a simple smile can do"
                                          Mother Teresa

I have noticed lately that a lot of people are avoiding eye contact with one another.

They all look so serious and busy as they go about their day.

Their look and their body language says, "Don't bother me, I'm busy".

They won't smile for fear of engaging you in a conversation that will hold
them up or having a discussion they're not ready to have.

When was the last time you truly smiled at someone?

Not a loved one, but a complete stranger.

And I don't mean a quick perfunctory turning up the edges of your mouth
with your lips closed.

I am talking about an open mouth, flashing your teeth grin that comes from your eyes.

If the eyes are the window to the soul, we have a lot of soulless people walking around lately.

So, today, while you are going about your day, smile with your eyes, a genuine smile that
reflects your caring for another human being, whether they be friend or foe.

You may never know the impact of that smile.

On the day my Dad passed away, a client of mine simply smiled at me from across the room.
She didn't say a word but her smile spoke volumes.
It said to me, "Don't worry. Everything's going to be alright".

A heartfelt smile may brighten someone's day in ways you may never expect.

Try it and see what happens.

See who you can connect with today.

See whose life you can change with a single smile.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Start Where You Are

"Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go,
they merely determine where you start"
                                                           Nido Qubein

Regardless of where you are in your life right now, you have the ability to turn it around.

All that matters is you start today.

You will never get where you want to go unless you start on that journey today.

If a goal seems overwhelming, break it down into small tasks.

Every journey begins with one step and today is the day to take that step.

Clearing the clutter from your life is a great way to get started on being clear with what
you do want to accomplish in your life.

For example, if you open the closet door and it's overflowing and you just shut the door every time you look at it, as the job at hand seems insurmountable, decide today to clear things for just ten minutes.

You can stop after ten minutes if you wish and then continue to do ten minutes daily thereafter until the task is completed.

The probability is that once you start and see some progress you will continue until you have made a
dent in it.

Think of the sense of accomplishment you will feel once it is completed.

So, no matter what you are facing today, know that you CAN make a difference
you start TODAY!

Choose Wisely

"The reason that some of your thoughts haven't yet become things...
is because other thoughts of yours have"
                     Mike Dooley, Notes from the Universe

What was the last thought you were thinking?

Was it worrisome? Worrying about something that may never happen?

Was it fearful?

Will I make the mortgage this month?

Is it going to work out?

As humans we have a natural tendency to worry about the future or re-live the past.

What a waste of energy!

Why are we focusing on what we don't want?

Especially because we know if we do, Law of Attraction has to bring them to us.

Often times our thoughts are simply habit.

The record that gets stuck in the groove and replays over and over.

What would you like to manifest today?

Pick one thing you want to attract into your life,
and anytime your thoughts take a negative turn,
simply re-direct them on to the path of wanted instead of unwanted.

You have to monitor your thoughts over everything else as they have the
power to become things.

Don't believe me?

Think of something in the past that you didn't want to happen.

Chances are that's all you thought of day and night.

The energy you poured into what you didn't want could so easily have
been steered into what you did want.

FOCUS on what you want, think good thoughts, and you will attract it.

The Law of Attraction will do the rest.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Your Thoughts Are Half the Battle

"Believe you can and you're halfway there"
                                                Theodore Roosevelt

No matter what you are wanting to manifest in your life,
you have more of a chance of attracting it,
if you are believing that you can receive it.

The power of your thoughts is infinite.

If you believe you can do it, you can.

If you believe you can receive it, you will.

Where are your thoughts today?

Are they focused on what you want or what you don't want?

If you can believe it and EXPECT it to come,

the Law of Attraction will make it happen.

It is LAW.

So what can you do today to get yourself in that space?

Do something that is FUN!

Well that's all good for you to say I hear you say, I'm stuck at work.

You can still take a 5 minute break and take a moment to day dream.

"Wouldn't it be nice if....." and fill in the dots.

When you make manifesting a game you add a lighthearted vibration to it.

Hoping, and expecting, everything you want in your life,
will come at the right time and not a moment before.

The Universe has perfect timing.


No exceptions.

What are you expecting today?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Wonder of Joy

"Find a place inside where there is joy,
and the joy will burn out the pain"
                                        Joseph Campbell

No matter what you are experiencing in your life today, if you can find time for joy,
you will be able to turn it around.

Whatever makes you happy is the thing you need to do today.

Make it a priority in your life every day to experience joy.

As long as you are smiling every day and making sure your happiness is at
the top of your to-do list, you will be able to raise your vibration.

When you raise your vibration you are able to attract more of what you want
in your life.

If you can take the time to do something fun, that makes your heart sing, go ahead
and do it right away.

Before you go to work, do your chores or all the things you have to do, start on
something you want to do.

By making your heart sing and experiencing joy you will see your dreams manifest
that much faster.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Embrace Your Failures as a Stepping Stone to Success

"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"
                                                         Henry Ford

How often have you failed at a relationship or a business and been too demoralized to continue?

What if you had given it another try?

When life knocks you down, instead of staying down and wallowing in failure, pick yourself up
and start all over again.

The next time you experience a setback in life, take a moment to review what went wrong and look at it through different eyes.

What could you have done differently?

How can you learn from this disappointment?

What steps can you take to improve the situation?

Can you accept the gift in the failure and choose to see it as an opportunity to succeed?

If you can, chances are you can turn the situation around.

So next time you experience something you see as a failure, celebrate the fact that it happened.

Use it as a catalyst to get where you want to go.

Maybe you can get a different result by focusing on what did go right.

This time around focus on the positive and learn from your mistakes.

Celebrate every failure as you are one step nearer to success and seeing your dreams come true!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Happiness is Harmony

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say
and what you do are in harmony"
                                 Mahatma Gandhi


If you have to think about it, chances are you are not.

It is a yes or no question. Hopefully you answered with a resounding YES!

If not, keep reading.

What have you been thinking, saying or doing that would lead you to unhappiness?

Have you been re-hashing the past or worrying about the future?

Have you been complaining about everything in your life that isn't working for you?

Are you going to a job every day that you hate but keep going to pay your bills?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the time has come to re-define what
will make you happy and make a choice to think, say and do those things today.

Happiness is a choice.

You can choose to be happy today no matter what is going on in your life if you choose to be.

Start with appreciation for what you do have.

This morning I awoke to the birds singing and smiled thinking how sweet they sound.

I then ran a list in my head of all the things and people I am grateful for in my life.

It was a long list!

Try doing this exercise before you get out of bed every morning and you will set the tone for
an appreciative and happy day.

The choice is yours.

I choose to be happy.

How about you?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Think Before You Speak

"If you propose to speak, always ask yourself,
 is it true, is it necessary, is it kind"

Every day we have the opportunity to appease or ignite others with our words.

Why would you ever say anything mean or unkind to another?

Because as human beings we always strive to be "right" and
need to feel validated that we have been heard.

But why do we feel the need to defend ourselves if we know
we are right?

Because we want the other person to agree we are right!

What if, for just one day, you try this experiment.

Think about everything you say before you say it and,
if it isn't true, necessary or kind, DON'T SAY IT!

Let it be enough that you know you are right and if you're not, admit it.

Maybe the person is having a bad day.
Maybe they just lost their job or their car broke down
and they can't afford to fix it and you are the lucky one
who got to incur their wrath.

What if you responded with kind words of encouragement
instead of meeting their rage with your own?

Try it for the next 24 hours and see how much better it feels to be kind.

If you don't have anything nice to say, it's better to say nothing at all.


Friday, August 9, 2013

Lighten Up

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"
                                                                Dr. Seuss

We all have suffered loss in our lives but how we deal with that loss will determine how much
happiness we will enjoy in the future.

We can choose to mourn a loss, whether it be the loss of a loved one, a job or a possession, or we can choose to be grateful that we had it in the first place.

Be grateful for everything in your life as you have to enjoy it while it is still in your life.

There is no point in regret. It is a wasted emotion.

If you enjoy everything and everyone in your life while they are in it, you will never suffer the feeling of regret or the guilt that goes with it.

Instead revel in the delight of all relationships and materialistic possessions for if you don't the Universe may deem it necessary for them to be removed from your life.

Appreciation goes a long way.

Learn from the relationships you have as everyone you come into contact with is a teacher for you.

Lighten up! Laugh and choose JOY to be your companion in your daily life.

Give thanks that those who are no longer with you, whether they have passed on or moved away, were in your life for a reason and you are a better person for having known them.

Smile that you had that teacher in your life instead of wasting tears on why they are no longer with you.

Something better always happens to us when we can be grateful for every experience that life offers us, always.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Silence is Golden

"In silence there is eloquence.
Stop weaving and see how the pattern improves"

We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. That we should listen more and speak less.

We live in such a noisy world where there is seldom silence.

We are constantly attached to technology and the incessant live stream of information yet, ironically, we are more disconnected now than ever before.

Instead of truly listening to another we are actually trying to figure out what our responses will be.

When was the last time you stopped and heard what someone was saying without thinking of a response?

Often the answers can be found in the silence but many avoid silence like the plague for they know the truth will be revealed, and sometimes the truth is too painful for many to bear, so they ramble through the problem.

Continually talking about a problem will never help you find the solution.

If you need help with a problem today, instead of picking up the phone and sharing with a friend, find a quiet place and be still enough to listen to your inner voice.

It will never steer you wrong.

What do you need to be silent about today?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ask for What You Want

"Asking is the beginning of receiving.
Make sure you don't go to the ocean with
a teaspoon..."
                               Jim Rohn

The Universe has an abundance of wealth and wellness available to you, and you can have all you want. All you have to do is ask.

What are you yearning for but haven't yet had the courage to ask for?

Have you not asked because you're afraid you won't get it?

If you don't ask, it's 100% guaranteed you won't get it! You have nothing to lose by asking.

The problem for many of us is that we haven't asked because we're not clear on what exactly it is that we DO want.

Take a moment today to create a wish list of things it would be nice to have or do.

e.g. "Wouldn't it be nice if my husband would take me away somewhere romantic for the weekend?"

But you don't ask because you're afraid he might be tired from a busy week and might prefer to stay home. But you won't know that for sure unless you ask.

Stop being afraid of disappointment or rejection and have the courage to step up and ASK  for what YOU want.

There is no glory in living in the shadows. You have to step out into the light and ask for what you need and want, and chances are you may just get it.

If you don't put your needs as a priority how can you expect anyone else to do that for you?

Once you get clear on what you want, it's easier to ask for it and expect to receive it.

You deserve it!

The Universe is waiting on you....what are you waiting for?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Time for Reflection

"Go back a little to leap further"
                                     John Clarke

We live in such a fast paced world now where every day seems hectic and there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done.

If this sounds like your world right now, the time has come to take a step back and reflect on your priorities.

Are you taking time to smell the roses? Literally!

You have to have down time to breathe and ascertain where you are choosing to use your energy.

Do you waste time on things you don't enjoy or over commit yourself for fear of saying no to others?

Why? Why are you placing more importance on their happiness than your own?

Having time for yourself is not selfish, it is a necessity.

You can only give to others what you have to give. If you are so busy doing for others that you have no time for yourself, you will have nothing left to give.

Take the time today to eliminate some tasks from your to-do list and add some fun things that your soul is longing to do.

If you take a step back and look at where you want to go, you'll get there faster.

Monday, August 5, 2013


"Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is"
                                Albert Camus

What are you resisting in your life right now?

Have you been resisting it for a long time?

As the saying goes, "What you resist persists".

What are you not doing in your life that your soul is crying out for you to do?

Why are we all so afraid to dream big?

These are the questions you should be asking yourself.

When are you going to awaken to your Life's Purpose?

When will the "right time" ever arrive?

There truly is no time like the present.

Ask yourself now, "What are you waiting for? What is standing between you and your dream right now?"

The time has come to embrace your power and plunge headlong into what you were put here on this Earth to do.

Only you know. Not your parents, or your boss or your partner - only you.

We keep ourselves so busy, with our careers, pursuing material things, going places, doing things -
keeping ourselves so busy so we don't have to listen to that inner voice that is screaming at us to do what our heart and soul desires.

If work doesn't quiet the voice, then shopping, alcohol, watching TV, etc. will have the same numbing effect, so we don't have to look at what we need to do, what changes we must make in our lives, to live our purpose.

Why? Because human beings resist change.

Ironically, change happens all the time. Yet we may prefer to stay in our comfort zones, even if they make us miserable, because they don't challenge us.

If we are comfortable we know what to expect, whereas if we take a chance and forge into the unknown, it's scary but out of your comfort zone is where you will find the joy and excitement you are seeking in your life.

Venture into unknown territory and you may be pleasantly surprised by what you find.

We are all blessed with God-given gifts. It is up to us to recognize and utilize them.

Some of you are amazing artists, writers and performers and yet are still hiding your light from the world. Instead you are bankers, managers and sales professionals.

There is nothing wrong with these jobs; they are simply examples of what you choose to do instead of taking a risk and allowing your spirit to soar.

When you take a chance and pursue your passion, your world will open up like you never imagined.

Ask yourself this question, "Am I living or existing?"

So where do you begin?

Make a list of your strengths. What are you good at? What do you like to do? What makes you lose track of time when you're doing it?

Capitalize on your strengths and you'll see the difference it makes in your daily life.

Soon enough you will find your calling.

You simply have to ALLOW it to happen.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Today is the Day!

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough, we must do"
               Joann Wolfgang von Goethe

All the wishing in the world will not make something happen. If that was the case I would be a multi-millionaire living "la dolce vita" in a villa in Italy!

Whatever you are wishing for in your life right now involves taking action.

Yes, it may start as an idea but it will never transpire to be anything more than that unless you
take solid steps to make it a reality. Taking action involves effort and you will only make that effort if the thing you want is made a priority in your life.

For example, all the wishing in the world cannot make you lose weight. That involves exercise and cutting calories (bummer I know!). Your motivation to be slim and healthy has to be stronger than
the desire for that deep dish pizza.

If something is important enough to you, you will be inspired to take the action necessary to achieve the desired result.

If you don't take action, maybe it's not that important to you, even though you claim it is.

Action speaks louder than words.

How many times have you promised yourself you will get organized and clear out your closet or garage? It sounds like a great idea until you see the amount of work involved.

To achieve this, the desire to be clutter free has to be greater than the desire to relax and hang out
with friends. Why not combine the two? Hang out with friends and get organized. Invite them over
to clear out the garage with you. One man's junk is another man's treasure! Its' a win-win situation.

The bottom line is that we don't do anything unless there's a pay-off for us, financial or emotional -
something that makes us feel good.

What do you need to get started on today so that you can feel good? You know what it is.

It's probably been on your to-do list forever. Make a start today.

The first step is always the hardest yet the most rewarding because you will feel a sense of accomplishment once you start.

Added to the fact that you did something you have been promising yourself for a long time.

There is no time like the present. Take a step in the right direction today.

You'll be glad you did.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


"If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable,
you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left
is compromise"
                                                                               Robert Fritz

Have you ever had a moment in your life when something was said to you, or was done to you, and you finally said, "Enough! I can't take this any longer".
What is that deciding moment?

It may be different for all of us but we all have those defining moments in our lives when we realize that we just cannot continue to live life as we have so far.

When is enough, enough?

That moment could be a battered woman saying I cannot take one more beating, the undervalued employee who won't take one more outburst from an abusive boss, the disrespect a parent receives from their obnoxious teenager.

Whatever it is that puts us over the edge, is the defining moment when we know that a boundary has been well and truly crossed.

Boundaries exist for a reason.

They are our protection against what we will and won't accept in our lives, and when those boundaries are crossed there is no going back for either party.

What have you accepted in your life lately that you shouldn't have?

What have you limited your life to?

Sometimes we do it to ourselves because it is easier to live in our comfort zones and be unhappy
than step outside that boundary, spread our wings and fly into the unknown. What are we afraid of?

If you hate your job and want to leave but are afraid of not getting another job in this economy, you
have set your own limits, thereby limiting yourself and compromising your very existence and happiness by your lack of faith. Not just in finding another source of income, but in yourself.
If you don't have faith in yourself, how can you expect others to?

If you have been limiting yourself, or if someone crossed a boundary with you, think about what you
really want in your life.

Isn't it time you stopped compromising and started living?

You know exactly why you are reading this right now. Think about it, and then act on it. You'll be
glad you did.

After all, a life of compromise is no life at all.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Give Thanks

"Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone"

Do you complain when you receive bad service?

Most likely you do.

We all do because we want to see a wrong set right.

But do you also call or write a letter when you receive good service?

I do. Why do I do it?

Because I like to reward good behavior, and encourage it to continue.

I called two places of business last week, one a bank, the other a well known chain of restaurants,
to commend them on their excellent customer service.

The Vice President of the Bank was so surprised that I had taken the time to call for a compliment, and not a complaint, that he was speechless.

The restaurant manager I called was also delighted and could not give me a coupon for a free meal
fast enough! Although this was appreciated and unexpected, I didn't call to receive something in

What I did receive was the joy in making someone's day and their efforts being recognized and acknowledged.

Studies have shown that human beings crave recognition and appraise, above sex and money, surprising but true. Most people don't leave a job because of money, (or lack thereof), but the lack
of respect and recognition of their dedication and hard work.

All it takes is a simple thank you.

Is there someone you need to thank today?

Don't be afraid that there's no money involved, a heart-felt thank you, verbal or written, will suffice.

If you are going to write something I suggest a hand written note instead of typed. People will often forget what you said or did, but they will never forget how you made them feel. It feels great to open a card for no apparent reason other than to say thank you.

In giving thanks you will be surprised at what good returns to you in kind.

Pay it forward, you'll be glad you did.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Life is a Test

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering
can the soul be strengthened, ambitions inspired,
and success achieved".
                                           Helen Keller

Are you being tested right now?

Is the economy taking it's toll on you and the way you live your life?

Maybe it's not the money that is your cross to bear.

Maybe it's your relationships, your career or your health.

Whatever it is that is providing your biggest challenge right now is also providing your
greatest opportunity for growth.

The saying, "If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger", although annoying when you're
in the mire of it, has a ring of truth to it.

When I was going through my divorce, if I heard that saying once, I heard it a thousand times!

At the time I could not see the value in the experience I was having, there didn't seem to be anything positive about it in the slightest. But upon reflection, as I look back at every supposed setback in my life, something great has always come out of a bad experience.

Indeed everything I went through has made me the woman I am today, strong, independent, resilient, thankful and compassionate. And for that, I am truly grateful.

So, if you are going through a tough time today, just remember, this too shall pass and one day you
will be able to look back and give thanks for the experience and know that it happened for a reason.

There are no accidents.

Be strong, be happy and stay grateful - for everything.