
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Own Your Power!

The Power of the Universe flows within you.

Have you ever asked a friend or loved one for advice? Why?

How can they be any more qualified than you to fix your problem?

No-one knows you better than you know yourself.

Stop deferring to others. Claim your own power. Stand tall in it and make the necessary decisions.

Yes, by all means, you can ask someone's opinion, but why would you ultimately choose their decision over your own?

Often times, it is because you feel you can no longer make the right decisions for yourself.

Perhaps, in the past, you have made mistakes by making the wrong decision?

Think again!

There are no accidents!

If something went wrong it was because there was a lesson you needed to learn. Maybe you shouldn't have been in that relationship, job, house, you were in?

Whatever it was, you needed to be there for that time to learn a valuable lesson. What was it? It is never a mistake if you learn from it.

Everything that has happened to you in your life, so far, has been due to the thoughts, words, decisions and actions you took.

You created that reality. You can change it.

You have the power.

Own your power and stop giving it away, especially to those that don't deserve it.

No-one can take your power away from you. You have to give it away. Why would you choose to do that?

Stand up for yourself. Demand the best from yourself, and for yourself. You deserve the best and nothing less.

Stop being a victim and put yourself first. Then, even if things don't work out as planned, you will feel empowered, not victimized.

Above all else, "to thine own self be true" and you can't go wrong.

Claim your power!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Believe & Receive

"Believe that you have it, and you have it"
Latin Proverb

Half the battle of manifesting what you want in your life is the belief that you can actually have it. And then you ask, but do you deserve it?

The beauty of the Law of Attraction is that it doesn't judge if you are worthy or not. It simply matches your vibration to what you want and then attracts that into your life.

If you deem yourself unworthy, the LOA will match that and in doing so, you don't receive what you do want, or worse, you receive exactly what you don't want.

The practice of visualization helps tremendously with manifesting your desires into reality. If you can daydream, you can visualize.

Take 5 minutes out of your day, every day, to dream about what you want in your life and see it as a reality.

Do not entertain any thoughts of lack or sorrow. Only focus on what you do want and let the Universe figure out how to bring it to you.

As Napoleon Hill said, 'If you can believe it, you can achieve it".

My saying is, "If you believe, you can receive".

Believe & Receive. It's a beautiful thing.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Perfect Timing

If what you are trying to manifest has yet to appear in your life, stop doubting if it will arrive. It will, if it is for your highest good, and when the timing is right.

The Universe has perfect timing - always. Don't believe me? Take a look back at all of the times in your life when you needed something and it showed up at exactly the right time. Whether it was money, a person, a job, a car, whatever it was, it arrived when it was supposed to arrive, and not a moment before.

Everything has a gestation period.

Look at pregnancy. You don't sit there waiting for the baby to arrive before the due date because you don't want the baby to be born before it's time for fear of not developing correctly.

If you view your manifesting in the same way, that what you are asking for will be delivered to you when the time is right, then the worry and stress are eliminated. Then you can rest easy knowing that the Universe will indeed deliver on time, as always.

Doubt and worry are the biggest killers of manifesting and once you start to doubt something arriving the Law of Attraction matches that vibration and so you don't receive what you are wanting, because your doubts made it so.

It's comparable to placing an order with the Universe, via UPS, and when you start to doubt it arriving, the order gets cancelled.

You have to assume it's going to be delivered, just as if you placed an order on the internet and UPS will deliver the package in the next few days/weeks. You place the order and expect it to arrive.

You have to maintain the same outlook with your manifesting. The same assurance that what you want will arrive, no matter what timeframe. Patience is key.

All good things come to those who wait.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Gratitude: The Manifesting Magnet

"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow"
Melodie Beattie

What are you grateful for today?

Maybe you're going through a rough time and feel that you don't have much to be thankful for? Therein lies the problem.

To manifest what you want to bring into your life, you have to be grateful for what's already in it.

If you are not grateful for what you have, it is impossible for the Universe to send you more. If you don't appreciate what you have, why on earth should you be rewarded with more?

Make a list today of all the people and things you have in your life, for which you are truly grateful.

Start with the ones you take most for granted, your families and friends, your good health, your freedom.

Imagine for a second how it would feel without all those things. Often times you do not appreciate what you have until it is gone. Don't wait for that time.

Start living your life today full of gratitude and joy. In doing so, you will raise your vibration, and become a magnet to all that you want to attract into your life.

Remember, the Law of Attraction responds to vibrations. It will match whatever vibration you emit, high or low, good or bad.

Odds are, if you are depressed and bemoaning the state of your life, how unfair it is and all the things that are lacking, you are doing nothing but asking for more of the same. The Law makes it so.

If for no other reason, than to prevent more mishaps in your life, "act as if" everything has already transpired exactly as you want it to. Give thanks for everything and expect it to happen.

Be grateful for every breath you breathe, everything you can see, hear, taste and smell. Be grateful for the price of gas, that you own a car to put it in. Be grateful for your annoying boss, that you have a job to go to and pay your bills.

Whatever you find to be grateful for today, hold onto that sense of joy and how lucky you are, and watch your life unfold for the better.

Gratitude is the key to receiving more abundance into your life. See your life as abundant now, and sit back and watch abundance pour into your life.

Be grateful and become a manifesting magnet.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Face Your Fears

"Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live"
Dorothy Thompson

Is there something that you have been wanting to do but are prevented from doing so because of fear? What are you waiting for?

Once you address your fears, they can no longer hold you back. There is nothing left to be afraid of.

I love Susan Jeffer's book, "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway". It exemplifies that you have to feel your fears, address them and let them exist, and do what you want in your life, not in spite of them, but because of them.

Why are you allowing your fears to minimize your life? What are you truly afraid of?

Once you face your demons and look at the worst case scenario, you are free to live your life to the fullest.

You cannot truly live if you are in constant fear of things going wrong. Too often we focus on what could happen, not what actually transpires.

If you have a dream and your fears are preventing you from fulfilling that dream, the time has come to put it to rest.

Take a moment to look at the facts, not what you imagine things to be. The mind is a very powerful tool and once you let it go in the direction of your fears, it will keep wanting to revisit them until you put a stop to it.

Every time you feel your mind wandering in that direction, ask yourself, "What purpose is this serving?".

"What am I delaying by focusing on my fears instead of my goals?"

"What am I really afraid of?"

Often times, it is not what you had originally thought. The fears lie deeper than the surface, and often re-surface in times of uncertainty and change.

If you are going through a transitional period, whether it be with your health, your career or a relationship, take a step back. Look at your life as if from the outside, through the eyes of a stranger, and ask yourself if you would be this afraid?

Are you reacting to past experiences, not the present? Are these experiences coloring your judgement?

Address your fears as they stand today, not yesterday or a decade ago.

Who are you today? Maybe you're stronger now than you were then? And all those things you are afraid of could not possibly happen to you now. You simply wouldn't allow it. You know better and so you do better.

Feel the fear and do it anyway. You have nothing to lose.