
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Silence is Golden

"In silence there is eloquence.
Stop weaving and see how the pattern improves"

We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. That we should listen more and speak less.

We live in such a noisy world where there is seldom silence.

We are constantly attached to technology and the incessant live stream of information yet, ironically, we are more disconnected now than ever before.

Instead of truly listening to another we are actually trying to figure out what our responses will be.

When was the last time you stopped and heard what someone was saying without thinking of a response?

Often the answers can be found in the silence but many avoid silence like the plague for they know the truth will be revealed, and sometimes the truth is too painful for many to bear, so they ramble through the problem.

Continually talking about a problem will never help you find the solution.

If you need help with a problem today, instead of picking up the phone and sharing with a friend, find a quiet place and be still enough to listen to your inner voice.

It will never steer you wrong.

What do you need to be silent about today?

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