
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

You Get What You Expect

"Expect your every need to be met.
 Expect the answer to every problem.
 Expect abundance on every level"
                                        Eileen Caddy

If you get what you expect,
what are you expecting today?

For those of you that see the glass as half empty,
you are probably waiting for the other shoe to drop.
You are most likely expecting the worst.

Those of you who see the glass as half full,
will, most likely, be grateful for that half
and hopeful of positive expectations.

Why would you waste time and energy worrying
and expecting something bad?

Remember, Law of Attraction (LOA) responds to your feelings.

If you are feeling depressed and full of gloom and doom,
there is no way you can manifest anything
other than more of the same.

LOA is a Universal law.

It has to send you more of what you are focusing on.

How much of your day is spent focusing on the things
you are dreading or fearful of?

Wouldn't it be much more fun to daydream and
fantasize about what you can attract into your life?

Take 5 minutes a day, everyone can do that,
to sit and dream about what you want to see in your life.

Think about how great you'll feel once you get that desire fulfilled.

More importantly, hold onto that great feeling,
and pretend it's already here.

The good feelings you maintain will manifest
that wish into reality for you.

Don't believe me?

Try it for a week and see how your life changes.

People will start to comment on how happy you look,
and before you know it,
you'll have those things you dream about.

You haven't gotten what you've wanted so far because
you've either been focusing on the lack of it,
or the timing isn't right.

Keep affirming and visualizing, and soon it will be time.

Do your part!

Let the Universe know you expect help and it will be given.

Expect your dreams to manifest and they will.

Exactly on time and not a minute sooner.

The key is to enjoy your life while you wait.

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