
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Know When to Stay Still, Know When to Act

"There are times to stay put,
and what you want will come to you,
and there are times to go out into the world,
and find such a thing for yourself"
                                    Lemony Snicket

One of the successful keys to manifesting is knowing when to stay where you are
and do nothing but wait,
and knowing when to take action and move out of your comfort zone.

How do you know the difference between the two?

Therein lies the problem.

Most people are so busy being "busy" they don't know how to be still and listen.

Those being still, not in meditation but parked in front of the TV, don't know how to
take action. They are paralyzed from being in their comfort zone so long.

You will only take action when you are inspired to do so
the pain to remain where you are, or who you are, becomes unbearable.

If you are staying still, (notice I say still not stagnant), then you will have a chance
to listen to your soul's yearning.

Don't let those cries be in vain.

Cast away the fear and grasp the future with open arms.

What does your soul yearn to do?

What are you afraid of?

What do you have to lose?

Will you ever get what you want sitting back and watching your life drift by?

Get clear on what you want.

Affirm it.

Visualize it.

And take some form of action to make it a reality.

Let the Universe know that you are ready to play.

You have been sitting on the bench for far too long.

You are done with being an observer and sitting on the sidelines waiting for
your life to start.

It has already started without you.

The time has come to be the star player in this game called Life.

What move will you make next?

What do you need to do to win?

You can never score a goal if you don't take the shot.

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