
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Happiness is the Manifesting Magnet

"Try to be like the turtle -
at ease in your own shell"
                           Bill Copeland

To be truly happy and able to manifest what you want you have to be happy
with yourself.

If you aren't comfortable in your own skin and enjoy your own company,
how can you expect others to?

Time spent alone will allow you to focus on what you do want to please yourself
and not everyone else.

There are people who spend all day every day keeping so busy that they don't have a
moment to themselves.

They do this on purpose so as to not address the issues that are bothering them.

What do you need to address today?

You will have to be still and listen.

Clarity cannot be found amidst noise.

The truth will appear in the space that silence creates.

If you're not happy about something in your life, only you can fix it.

Whatever it is you're not happy with, you have the ability to change it.

You cannot and should not rely on others as a source of happiness.

When you are happy with yourself, no matter what outside circumstances are,
you are able to manifest more happiness.

When you are down and unhappy, you attract more of the same.

Law of Attraction will match your vibration, every time.

Positive emotions, laughter, joy, happiness are a magnet for the things you want.

Do whatever you can to increase your vibration and not only will you feel happier,
you'll manifest what you want that much sooner.

Don't worry, get happy!

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