
Monday, September 16, 2013

Be Kind to Yourself

"Your body hears everything your mind says"
                                              Naomi Judd

What was the last conversation you had with yourself?

Was it kind?

If you're a woman, chances are it was pretty brutal.

Women are so critical of themselves and their bodies.

The media portrays stereotypes of the perfect body.

Women that feel their body doesn't compare
to that ideal generally feel bad about themselves.

You will never love yourself if you talk unkindly to yourself.

I have heard many women say dreadful things about their bodies
that if they ever said to another woman
might earn them a slap!

Instead of berating the size of your thighs, be grateful you have legs!
An amputee or paraplegic would gladly swap places with you.

Instead of complaining about your hair, be happy you have some.
A chemotherapy patient would love to have your hair instead of being bald.

Be grateful for the body you have.

All that matters is that you are healthy.

If you start talking to yourself with more love and respect, you will start to see
your body respond in kind.

What you resist persists.

The more you complain about being overweight, the more overweight you will become.

The Law of Attraction HAS to send you more of what you put your attention on.

Where are you putting your attention?

What are you saying to yourself?

The biggest indicator of what you are attracting into your future is what you are
saying to yourself every day.

Steer clear of negativity and affirm positive emotions and you will see the tide turn.

Be grateful for what you have in your life, your health, your body, your mind and expect
more good to come.

You get what you expect.

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