
Monday, July 29, 2013


"Press on! A better fate awaits thee"
                                                      Victor Hugo

Have you ever wondered what the outcome would have been for many experiences in your life had you just persevered?

You might be fluent in Spanish by now had you not given up after a few years of high school lessons.

You could have that ideal body you desire had you stayed on your fitness plan and kept going to the gym.

You might have finished that book you always planned on writing, if you hadn't given up after the first few chapters.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Anything worth having is worth working for or waiting for; sometimes both. So why do we give up when success could be just around the corner?

Is it a lack of motivation? Lack of desire? Maybe it just wasn't right for you?

Whatever the reason might be, you just need to make sure it isn't for lack of faith.

If you think you can, you can!


What do you need to persevere with? A relationship? A job?

Only you know the answer. Just make sure you don't give up for any other reason than you simply changed your mind and that you changed your mind for the right reasons.

If you still want "it", whatever that it might be, then go after it with all your heart, 100%, mind, body and soul.

It's everything or nothing, nothing in between will do. Make this one change in your life and see the difference it makes.

You'll have faster results and be more driven than if you just sit on the sidelines waiting for things to happen. At this point you have nothing to lose.

You, and only you, know exactly what you have to persevere with today.

All good things come to those that expect them!

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