
Wednesday, July 24, 2013


"If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else"
                                                          Yogi Berra

Most of the time when I ask my clients why they think they haven't achieved their goals yet, they say they're "not sure". When we start to analyze the reasons why, it becomes apparent why they haven't, because they are not clear on WHAT it is exactly that they want.

It is impossible to manifest something when you're not sure what that is.

You have to get specific.

WHAT do you want?

WHY do you want it?

How long do you think it will take to achieve it?

How do you think you'll feel once you attain that goal?

Where are you putting your focus?

"Energy flows where attention goes"

If you are putting your thoughts, words and actions into something you don't want, turn it around.
Start talking about what you do want and you'll see a difference almost immediately.

When you learn to direct your focus like a laser beam, you will begin to see the desired results you want in your life.

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