
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Affirmations - The Power of Words

The word affirmation comes from the latin verb affirmare - to affirm, declare or bring about.

When you are speaking, you are declaring what you want.

It is so important to make every word count. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

When you are joking or complaining, the Universe does not know the difference. It just deems it so. You are saying it, so it must be true.

If you do not want something to happen, stop talking about it.

The same goes for the written word. Write down what you want to happen and affirm it into being.

Affirmation Checklist

  • Keep them in the present tense
  • Keep them positive
  • Keep a "feeling"with the affirmation
  • Keep them short and specific
  • Repeat them daily
  • Act "as if" what you want is on it's way to you now

Make a point of thinking about what you want before you open your mouth. Once the words have been said they cannot be taken back.

If you said something and you didn't mean it, immediately afterwards say what you meant to say instead.

Try it for the next few days and see how many times you say something that you didn't mean or don't want to happen.

Be honest with yourself. If you don't want to do something, say that you don't. Otherwise you'll do it and regret it, or change your mind later and in doing so, let someone down.

Decide what you want to create and then start creating with your thoughts and words. Keep them positive and visualize yourself receiving what you asked for.

Try it. It works!

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