
Friday, June 22, 2007

You Are What You Think

Do you wake up in the morning full of energy and excited to see what this new day has to bring? Or are you, like many people, lethargic, and not quite thrilled about where you are in life?

As the saying goes, “Life is not a dress rehearsal.” Good or bad, the person you can blame for where you are now is yourself. You, and nobody else are responsible for your life today.

Your actions, words and thoughts have brought you to this exact moment in time. There are no accidents. None. It is no accident that you are reading this.

Everything that happens to you, and has happened to you in your life so far, has been "manifested" through your thoughts and actions.When you start to realize that "thoughts become things" and you begin to think about what you want—and not what you don’t want—positive changes happen almost immediately.

The reason is simple, every thought you think creates your reality. Whether it is to stay in an unhealthy relationship because you fear being alone; to remain in a job you detest because you worry if you quit nothing better will come along; your finances are a mess and you are deep in debt because you believe this is the best you can do and what you deserve—whatever the thought, it becomes a reality.

The same is true for positive outcomes. If you truly believe you deserve someone or something better in your life and open yourself up to that possibility, you start moving in that direction.

We constantly justify why we don’t like our lives and what’s wrong with them, and very rarely do we dwell on what’s right with them and how grateful we should be for all that we do have.

An attitude of gratitude will get you further than one of lack.

Remember, what you focus on expands, so if all day long you bemoan your life, guess what, you’ll get more of the same the next day. The Law of Attraction deems it so. "Like attracts like", so your negative energy will bring you more of the same, and vice versa.

So how do you change this behavior? Simple, you change the way you think. Changing your thinking changes your life.

Step one is to eject the tape that plays in your head all day long filled with negative thoughts and worst case scenarios and replace it with positive possibilities.

Other than your self-talk, how do you change your reality? Focus on what you want and visualize that outcome. Focus on the end result only. Don’t worry about the how or when. All you have to concentrate on is the what and what it look like, be like and feel like to have it.

If you can daydream, you can visualize. Use your imagination to see the future you desire and let the rest fall by the wayside. Use affirmations to state positively and in the present tense whatever you wish to attract into your life.

See yourself doing that which you desire and intend to make it happen. Words have power, especially when spoken aloud and with feeling. Repeat them daily and make sure to see yourself doing whatever you visualize. Feel how happy you will be when your wish comes true and hold onto that feeling as long as possible.

It helps if you have a special place that you can concentrate on your affirmations, if only for 5 minutes a day. Everyone has a few minutes to spare, even if it’s when you’re stuck in traffic.

Create an altar in your spare room, or a sacred space where you can be alone and all you do is think positively and daydream, visualize, all that you want to attract into your life.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step", is my favorite Buddhist quote. So start with something small like manifesting a free lunch or the perfect parking place. Once you start manifesting the small things you want in your life, you will gain confidence and will be able to manifest the larger items on your list.

I highly recommend the book, "Write it down, Make it Happen" by Henriette Klauser. In this book she talks of the power of writing something down. It makes it more real and you will be surprised when you go back a few months later to see how much you have been able to manifest into your life.

You can affirm either verbally or by writing them down. I recommend doing both. Double the odds and your chance of success.

  • Keep them in the present tense
  • Keep them positive
  • Keep a "feeling" with the affirmation
  • Keep them short and specific
  • Repeat them daily
  • Act "as if" they already happened
Make sure you add "for the highest good for all concerned" at the end of each affirmation.

It is no good asking for a million dollars if you get it through a car accident settlement and lose your leg in the process!

If manifesting has not worked in the past it is not because you are not worthy, or "doing it right", it is simply because you are not allowing it.

Let it go and let it happen. Release yourself from any attachment to the outcome, and know that you’ll be fine whether it manifests or not. All living things are made of energy and we all "vibrate" at a certain level.

If you are not manifesting what you want, you need to raise your vibrational level. How? Change how you feel, not just how you think.

Think of a time in your life when you felt the happiest and re-create that feeling and hold onto it. You will immediately feel better, and in doing so, raise your vibration. Stop punishing yourself for the life you don’t have and do something about it.

Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and Pixar Animation Studios said during his commencement address to the graduates of Stanford University in June 2005, "Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose . . . there is no reason not to follow your heart."

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