
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Manifesting Money

Whenever I host a workshop on the Law of Attraction, and I ask the audience what they would like to manifest in their lives, the number one answer is always the same - $$$$$ - money!

Why? Well, obvious reasons. Many people believe that money buys them happiness. I don't. I think it can make life a lot easier. Money can, however, buy the peace of mind that your bills are paid, that your family is fed and have a roof over their heads. But what is more important than money? Health of course. If you don't have that, you have nothing.

We measure wealth in the Western world by bank accounts. The true measure of wealth is how much joy you experience on a daily basis, and the quality of your health that allows you to enjoy it. So what if you're a millionaire but dying of cancer?

If you have a list of things to manifest, please make the first one "health" or "peace of mind". Both are much more valuable than money alone.

Having said that, the number one request I receive for help, as I said earlier, is how to manifest money, so let's get started.

Here are a few tips on how you can attract money to you, easily and effortlessly.

First, the best way to let the Universe know that you're open to accepting money is to give some away. WHAT?????? I hear your say. I need to receive money, not give it away! Yes, you heard me right. Send a check to a charity of your choice. Not a huge amount but more than you can currently afford. Just enough to make you feel uncomfortable writing the check. Give the check with love, knowing that more money is on it's way to you now. It's time to have faith!

This is known as tithing and a lot of people swear by this, especially religious organizations, such as churches. The process of tithing says that if you donate 10% of your income to the church, or a non-profit, that prosperity will flow back to you tenfold. Try it and see if it works for you, and help out a great cause at the same time!

The second tip, is to clear all clutter from your home and work life. Clean out all of your closets and donate what you don't use. What's the rule of thumb? If you haven't used something in the past 6 months, chances are you won't use it in the next 6 months. Instead, give the item to someone who could benefit from owning it now.

Clear your office or work space of loose papers and outdated documents. File it or shred it! Clear your desk of anything you are not currently using to do your job.

Clean out your car. Wash the outside and vacuum the inside. The inside of your car is a reflection of the inside of your mind. Are you holding on to things you don't use? Are there dirty food wrappers and empty drink containers on the floor? Is your glove box so full of junk you can hardly close it?

Empty everything as much as possible. The Universe hates a vacuum and will want to fill it as soon as there is space. So, by giving money away, you create room for more to come to you!

Thirdly, get quiet! Meditate on the amount of money you want to attract into your life. Write down the amount on a piece of paper and imagine yourself receiving that exact amount. How would you feel?

Whether it's money to pay off debt and be stress free, (in which case you might feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders), or it's having the money for your dream vacation, (where you feel like a millionaire). SEE yourself doing the very thing that you want the money for.

If you need the money for a new car. SEE yourself driving it, FEEL how great it is to have a safe, reliable, luxury car - whatever is important to you.

The fourth and final step is to ALLOW it to come to you. Stop stressing and checking the mail box every five minutes. The Universe has perfect timing! It will come EXACTLY at the right time, always has, always will.

STOP trying to determine HOW it will come and when. The beauty of using the Law of Attraction is that the ONLY thing you have to focus on is the WHAT.

What do you want? $10,000.00? Be specific. As I said before, write down the amount and focus only on that.

If you try and figure out HOW or WHEN the money is coming, you may be limiting the Universe to the ways in which the money can arrive.

Relax! Breathe~

$$$$$$$$ is on it's way to you now.

Write to me when the money arrives and let me know your story.
I look forward to hearing from you!

Love and Light, Helen

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