
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Change...for the Better

"To change, and to change for the better, are two entirely different things"
German Proverb

Why are people so afraid of change? When your life isn't working for you as well as it should, isn't change a normal progression? It should be, but people fear change as it's not the "norm".
It requires us to get out of our comfort zone, (a very dangerous place to be I might add), and set out on the path of the unknown. For many of us that's a scary place to be. You don't know what the future holds.
How do you know if you need a change? Ask yourself the following questions.

Are you stuck in a rut? Do you have the same routine, day in, day out? Is your life lacking excitement and variety?
Your behaviors and your habits have created your reality. Yes, thoughts become things, so you have to change your thinking too, but we are also creatures of habit in our actions.

Do you eat the same breakfast every day? Do you dine at the same restaurants all the time? Do you leave the office at the same time every day and follow the same route home, on auto pilot, every night?
Do you go to bed at the same time? If so, you have become a routine, not just your life. You are safe and predictable and the time has come for a shake up.

"If you keep on doing what you have always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always got"
W.L. Bateman

Remember when you were younger and you lived more spontaneously? You didn't plan your social life around what was on television, what time you had to get up in the morning, ensuring you had eight hours of sleep.
Never! You lived life to the fullest, so why aren't you now?

When my clients complain about what they don't want in their lives, of course I remind them of the Law of Attraction, that they are creating more of the same because that's what they're focusing on, but you can start today by changing small things.

Vary your routine. Shop at a different grocery store, try a new restaurant, date someone who's not your "type", learn a new language, try a new hobby, take a different route home from work. They may all be little things but they add up to big changes because it changes your everyday reality to a whole new experience.

Remember, it's not how long you live your life that counts, it's how much living you actually put into it. Stop existing and start living life to the fullest every day.
If today was your last day on Earth what would you be doing differently right now? Make the changes and watch your life change...for the better.

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