
Friday, June 22, 2007

Love is...everything!

"The only thing that matters, at the end of a stay on Earth, is how well did you love? What was the quality of your love?"
Richard Bach

Every February 14th, hundreds of millions of people from around the world send flowers, chocolates, go out to restaurants for romantic meals, exchange gifts, jewelry and send Hallmark cards, declaring undying love for each other. Why?

This may sound cynical and that is far from my intention. I am probably the most romantic, sentimental, "believing in soul-mates" kind of person you will ever meet. I bring it up because what concerns me is the lack of love around this world the other 364 days of the year!

What are these couples doing the rest of the time? Yes, some live in bliss, but many are exchanging poison or living in silent hostility. Where do you lie in the spectrum? Are you loving, supportive and romantic to your partner all year round, or only on a day that the card companies deem it so?

I am not just talking about romantic love here. Are you loving to your parents and siblings? Your neighbors and co-workers? And, even more importantly, are you loving to yourself? How can you possibly give love to another if you don’t love yourself first?

Perhaps we would not have the need for dating services, marriage counselors, divorce attorneys, racial conflicts, injustices or war, if we could only show fellow human beings love, at all times. If we could see each other as one, all connected by a common bond - the need to be loved, maybe the world would change.

Babies die if they are not held, it’s a fact. Human beings crave the desire to be held and nurtured, to be loved. When was the last time you gave a loved one a hug and told them you love them and appreciate them, that you admire and respect them? Not because it was a special occasion but because you felt like it?

As much as people crave love, we also fear rejection. But what are we afraid of really? Is it better never to express your affection for someone in the fear of being rejected, or to be brave and do it anyway? Don’t wait until Valentine’s Day to express your love. Like the best china, don’t save love for a special occasion, use it every day.

Love and Light, Helen

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