
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Worry: A Debt You May Never Have to Pay!

Why do we always worry? Stressing about what may never happen, can never bring you the results you desire.

Most of our lives are spent either reliving the past or worrying about the future. This is where the beauty of living in the present moment comes in. Are you happy at this very moment in time? If so, be grateful and celebrate. If not, do something about it!

As we all know, things can change, and change very quickly. If you've ever been in a near accident, you'll know exactly what I mean. That moment when your whole life flashes before you and you suddenly realize how lucky you are to have escaped serious injury or death.

What happens then? We make a promise to ourselves to not take our lives for granted and to live life to the fullest. After all, tomorrow is promised to no man.

A few weeks later, the near accident is all but forgotten, and we relapse into the old habit of taking life for granted and putting our dreams and desires on the back burner.

Is there something that you have always wanted to do? Somewhere you have wanted to visit ever since you were a small child? What are you waiting for?

People are always waiting for the "right time". If we waited for the right time and the "right circumstances" to have a baby, the population would take a serious nosedive! Who ever has enough time, money, space? We make it happen because it's a priority.

That's the key here. If you make anything a priority, it will get done. How important are your dreams to you?

If you want to start your own company, travel the world, start a family, whatever it is that you desire, the time to start is NOW.

Stop delaying the happiness that you are seeking. Find it today. It all starts with you.

YOU, and only you, are responsible for your own happiness, no-one else.

Stop worrying about how you might pay your bills or what would happen if you fell ill. You might, and then again, you might not. You'll never know until then.

Starting today, right now, leave your worries behind.

In the words of the great Bob Marley, "Don't worry. Be happy!" and watch how things you want to manifest magically appear in your life.

Worry does nothing but prevent you from experiencing happiness and in doing so, living the life of your dreams.

Dream it. Do it. Be it. Be happy!

Love and Light, Helen

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