
Monday, August 5, 2013


"Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is"
                                Albert Camus

What are you resisting in your life right now?

Have you been resisting it for a long time?

As the saying goes, "What you resist persists".

What are you not doing in your life that your soul is crying out for you to do?

Why are we all so afraid to dream big?

These are the questions you should be asking yourself.

When are you going to awaken to your Life's Purpose?

When will the "right time" ever arrive?

There truly is no time like the present.

Ask yourself now, "What are you waiting for? What is standing between you and your dream right now?"

The time has come to embrace your power and plunge headlong into what you were put here on this Earth to do.

Only you know. Not your parents, or your boss or your partner - only you.

We keep ourselves so busy, with our careers, pursuing material things, going places, doing things -
keeping ourselves so busy so we don't have to listen to that inner voice that is screaming at us to do what our heart and soul desires.

If work doesn't quiet the voice, then shopping, alcohol, watching TV, etc. will have the same numbing effect, so we don't have to look at what we need to do, what changes we must make in our lives, to live our purpose.

Why? Because human beings resist change.

Ironically, change happens all the time. Yet we may prefer to stay in our comfort zones, even if they make us miserable, because they don't challenge us.

If we are comfortable we know what to expect, whereas if we take a chance and forge into the unknown, it's scary but out of your comfort zone is where you will find the joy and excitement you are seeking in your life.

Venture into unknown territory and you may be pleasantly surprised by what you find.

We are all blessed with God-given gifts. It is up to us to recognize and utilize them.

Some of you are amazing artists, writers and performers and yet are still hiding your light from the world. Instead you are bankers, managers and sales professionals.

There is nothing wrong with these jobs; they are simply examples of what you choose to do instead of taking a risk and allowing your spirit to soar.

When you take a chance and pursue your passion, your world will open up like you never imagined.

Ask yourself this question, "Am I living or existing?"

So where do you begin?

Make a list of your strengths. What are you good at? What do you like to do? What makes you lose track of time when you're doing it?

Capitalize on your strengths and you'll see the difference it makes in your daily life.

Soon enough you will find your calling.

You simply have to ALLOW it to happen.

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