
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Don't Worry, Be Happy

"Most folks are as happy as they make up
their minds to be"
                                Abraham Lincoln

When  you woke up this morning did you wake up happy or sad?

Maybe you woke up happy but then you got stuck in traffic and were late for work,
only to find out your boss gave you a project with a deadline you can't possible meet.

Now you're in the worst mood.

Do you have to be?


You allowed your circumstances to dictate your happiness.

There will always be challenges in life so if you allow outside influences to determine your
mood, you'll never be happy.

Instead you can make a choice every day to see the good in everything that happens and
CHOOSE happiness.

You can be having the worst day but as long as you choose to stay out of the drama you
can achieve that serenity you so desperately seek.

A few ways to do that are to take ten deep breaths. You can do it anywhere and it's free.

As you're reading this you're probably holding your breath or shallow breathing. How often do
you take a full breath and appreciate the fact you can breathe? Some people can't.

Take a few minutes out of your day to meditate. That doesn't mean sitting cross-legged chanting.

It means finding ten minutes of quiet time to reflect on your day and stopping that maddening
chain of thoughts that occupy your mind 24/7.

Hit the mute button on your thoughts!

I guarantee that when you're done, you'll feel so much gratitude for everything in your life you'll
make it a daily habit.

Forget the to-do list and just BE.

You are a human BE-ing not a human do-ing.

Get still and GET HAPPY! :)

Why would you choose anything else??

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