
Monday, August 26, 2013

Choose Wisely

"Be miserable.
Or motivate yourself.
Whatever has to be done,
it's always your choice"
                            Wayne Dyer

Have you ever met someone who is always unhappy no matter when or where you see them?

By the same token you probably know someone who is always happy and has a smile on their
face no matter the circumstance?

What is the difference between them?

Simply the CHOICE to be happy and see the good in life.

Ironically enough, from my experience, the ones who have every reason to complain, don't
and the ones that have nothing to complain about, do!

Everything has a pay off.

Humans do nothing without a reason.

People who have drama in their lives, thrive on it.

It makes them feel alive.

It becomes addictive.

If there is no drama going on in their lives, they will create it!

Stay away from these people.

You know who they are!

Maybe you are related to some of them?

There is no room for toxic people in your life.

If they are not adding positivity to your life, there is no need to have them around.

I know it sounds harsh but you truly have to protect yourself from their negativity.

You cannot afford to have such an energy disruption.

It will prevent you from achieving your goals by wasting your time with such energy vampires.

If you feel depleted and exhausted after talking to or seeing someone, then that's your indication that you need to spend less time with this person.

When you start separating yourself from this person, one of two things will happen.

They will either stop complaining and get with the program, or they will drop away out of your life.

Just remember, it's your choice.

Choose happiness!

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