
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Never Give up on Your Dreams

"Success consists of going from failure to failure,
without loss of enthusiasm"
                                         Winston Churchill

Has there been something you have been wanting to manifest for some time now
and it just hasn't come to fruition?

Don't be discouraged.

The Universe has perfect timing.

It will arrive, just not on your timeline.

You probably want it NOW.

We live in a society of instant gratification where we expect the things we want
to arrive quickly.

We feel a sense of entitlement.

"I deserve it and I want it now!"

Let's say you want a new sofa but cannot afford one.

So you decide to put it on a credit card and make payments because you just can't wait.

You get it delivered the next day. The only problem is you might be paying for it
for a long time to come, and end up paying a lot more than the ticket price, after all the interest
is added.

The irony is, by the time you have paid it off, you will most likely need a new one.

Wouldn't it have been better to wait and save, and have the satisfaction of being able to pay
cash, knowing that it was earned and appreciated?

Your dreams are like the sofa.

If everything you want came to you instantly, you wouldn't appreciate them.

There would be no value.

But, by putting in the work, and waiting patiently for them to manifest, you have
more appreciation for them when they do arrive.

The Law of Gestation says everything has a waiting period before it can actualize into reality.

All those thoughts you are thinking and actions you are taking, to manifest what you want,
cannot manifest instantly.

Think about it, you really wouldn't want them to.

The key to successful manifesting is to have PATIENCE and FAITH.

Have patience knowing that timing is everything, and the faith that it will come.

Never give up!

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