
Friday, July 26, 2013


"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit"

Have you ever thought about how you spend the majority of your time? If you do, chances are you will see a pattern, a habit if you will, that you have followed for some time.

If you spend every night in front of the television you may become a couch potato and soon your body will most likely start to resemble one too from lack of activity.

If you spend every weekend at the mall shopping, chances are you will soon have credit card debt or a closet full of "bargains" that you never wear, or someday hope to fit into (haven't we all done that?).

This begs the question,

What are your habits costing you?

Not just in time or money, but what emotions are you trying to avoid by placating yourself with TV or shopping?

Whatever your habit may be, the price is too high if you are not living the life you want.

The time to change is NOW. Not on January 1st when you make your New Years Resolutions (that you break by February), but at this very moment.

What have you wanted to change for the past few years when you made your Resolutions?

If it's the same thing year after year and you still haven't seen success, then a change is needed, and fast!

Start today by making a list of your habits and seeing how much time you waste every week.

If you say you are too busy to workout and get in shape, like you've been promising yourself every month, yet you find the time to watch 3 hours of TV every night, you know you need to make a change. 

We cannot eliminate bad habits we simply replace them with better ones.
What habit are you going to start today? What would serve you better than watching TV?

Maybe 10 minutes of meditation to get clear on what you do want your life to look like?
Maybe a 15 minute walk after dinner instead of collapsing on the couch? You'll feel better and it helps your digestion too.

Email me the habits you have changed at
I would love to hear how it has affected your life for the better.

Start a new habit today and make it a GOOD one!

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