
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Be Gentle With Yourself

 "...You are a child of the Universe,
 no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should..."
                                                                                                 Desiderata by Max Ehrmann

The above quote is taken from the poem Desiderata. My father had this poem framed and hung in the  lobby of his business and he truly lived by this creed. I urge you to read it in it's entirety for it holds
everything you need to know, to trust that life is unfolding as it should, and you will find many gems
of advice within it.

It is a great reminder to be true to yourself, to be kind to yourself and to treat others with respect.
Listen to their stories, for we all have one, and you might just learn something by listening to someone else's plight, even if it simply to remind you of how fortunate you are! There are hundreds of millions of people on this planet that would gladly swap places with you right this minute.

So before you compare yourself to others, (for that will bring you nothing but misery and focus on
the lack in your life), and there will always be someone thinner and richer and "more successful" than you, decide what success truly means to you. Does it mean financial independence, more time spent with your loved ones or more time doing what you love? Whatever it means to you, you have to be clear on exactly what that is, before you can attain it.

In the meantime, be gentle with yourself, be grateful for not only the gifts and blessings you have been blessed with, but for the challenges, for they will teach you the lessons you truly need to learn.

Be still and find the peace that you crave. Nurture yourself and know that this world is a beautiful place to be and your happiness depends on you and what you wish to contribute to others during your time here on Earth.

You are blessed to be here. Enjoy your time, as none of us know how long we are here for. Make your actions count and strive to leave this world a better place than you found it.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Let Your Intuition Be Your Guide

"You cannot change your destination overnight,
 but you can change your direction overnight"
                                                               Jim Rohn

We are all on a path.
This path called life.

Have you come to a dead end?

Are you on a one way street?

Have you arrived at a crossroads and don't know which
way to turn?

Or are you on a roundabout, going around in circles and
getting nowhere?

Maybe you're on a busy freeway and no-one will move
over and allow you to exit?

Or has your car not even started and you're still stuck in the garage?

Wherever you are in your life today, you need a navigation system.

Your intuition is your GPS.

What is it telling you today?

Are you slightly off course or totally lost?

Which direction do you need to take to finally arrive at your destination?

If you don't pick up a map today,
you could be going around in
circles for the rest of your life.

Or even worse, never get started.

You have everything you need,
to get where you want to be,
but first you must decide WHERE that place is.

Is it the destination of marriage?

A new career?  A different place to call home?

What are you waiting for?

Decide where you want to go today.

May I suggest you take the scenic route to enjoy the journey along the way.

Only when you decide on the destination, can the journey truly begin!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Stop Resisting Your Calling

"If you are paralyzed with fear it's a good sign.
It shows you what you have to do".
                                           Steven Pressfield

If you haven't read "The War of Art" by +Steven Pressfield, go buy a copy today.

I read it several years ago.

The book was featured on Super Soul Sunday this morning when +Oprah
interviewed Steven.

Steven talks a lot about resistance.

Why do we resist our calling?

Fear is the main cause.

The bigger your fear, the bigger your calling.

We resist that thing we want, and need, to do the most.

Think of how bad you feel every time
you promise yourself,
"Today is the day I will start that workout routine/
painting / book / dance", etc.

You make excuses as to why it can't happen and
before you know it, another day has gone by,
another week, another month, another year.

When are you going to STOP resisting your calling?

I am as guilty as anyone else.

I have two books I have yet to finish.

People have been asking me for years when will they be finished.

What am I waiting for?

Maybe encouragement and validation that I am
good enough to get published?

Will anyone read what I have to say?

Is anyone reading this blog?

The bottom line is whether anyone will read them or not,
I have to write so I can get the words out of my head.

The more I resist, the more it persists.

Does anyone else feel this way?

What are you resisting?

As the Nike commercial says, "Just do it!"

Stop talking about it and do one thing today
to put you on the road to your calling.

Finally silence that voice in your head
that's telling you to do it,
by doing it!

Let me know what your calling is.

I'll help you any way I can.

In the meantime, I have a book to finish...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

You Get What You Expect

"Expect your every need to be met.
 Expect the answer to every problem.
 Expect abundance on every level"
                                        Eileen Caddy

If you get what you expect,
what are you expecting today?

For those of you that see the glass as half empty,
you are probably waiting for the other shoe to drop.
You are most likely expecting the worst.

Those of you who see the glass as half full,
will, most likely, be grateful for that half
and hopeful of positive expectations.

Why would you waste time and energy worrying
and expecting something bad?

Remember, Law of Attraction (LOA) responds to your feelings.

If you are feeling depressed and full of gloom and doom,
there is no way you can manifest anything
other than more of the same.

LOA is a Universal law.

It has to send you more of what you are focusing on.

How much of your day is spent focusing on the things
you are dreading or fearful of?

Wouldn't it be much more fun to daydream and
fantasize about what you can attract into your life?

Take 5 minutes a day, everyone can do that,
to sit and dream about what you want to see in your life.

Think about how great you'll feel once you get that desire fulfilled.

More importantly, hold onto that great feeling,
and pretend it's already here.

The good feelings you maintain will manifest
that wish into reality for you.

Don't believe me?

Try it for a week and see how your life changes.

People will start to comment on how happy you look,
and before you know it,
you'll have those things you dream about.

You haven't gotten what you've wanted so far because
you've either been focusing on the lack of it,
or the timing isn't right.

Keep affirming and visualizing, and soon it will be time.

Do your part!

Let the Universe know you expect help and it will be given.

Expect your dreams to manifest and they will.

Exactly on time and not a minute sooner.

The key is to enjoy your life while you wait.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Living Life Without Regrets

"Unfortunately, the clock is ticking,
 the hours are going by.
The past increases, the future recedes.
Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting"
                                                 Haruki Murakami

What is your biggest regret in your life?

Did it happen because you were afraid to take action?

What are you afraid of?

Not having the money or time to accomplish your dreams?

The truth is every day we are closer to death.

Remembering that you are going to die one day
is the best reason to do what you want to do.

Not to be morbid but none of us can escape death
and we don't ever know when it will come for us.

Don't wait until a diagnosis or tragedy strikes to do
what your soul yearns to do.

One day you might decide to finally strike out
and go for it
only to be told you are too late.

Live NOW and embrace every opportunity
that comes your way.

If there are none, make some!

The worst thing that can happen is that you do nothing,
and when that day finally arrives that you depart this Earth,
you will be full of regret.

A life lived with few regrets is one where the soul got to
live out it's purpose.

What is your purpose?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Be Kind to Yourself

"Your body hears everything your mind says"
                                              Naomi Judd

What was the last conversation you had with yourself?

Was it kind?

If you're a woman, chances are it was pretty brutal.

Women are so critical of themselves and their bodies.

The media portrays stereotypes of the perfect body.

Women that feel their body doesn't compare
to that ideal generally feel bad about themselves.

You will never love yourself if you talk unkindly to yourself.

I have heard many women say dreadful things about their bodies
that if they ever said to another woman
might earn them a slap!

Instead of berating the size of your thighs, be grateful you have legs!
An amputee or paraplegic would gladly swap places with you.

Instead of complaining about your hair, be happy you have some.
A chemotherapy patient would love to have your hair instead of being bald.

Be grateful for the body you have.

All that matters is that you are healthy.

If you start talking to yourself with more love and respect, you will start to see
your body respond in kind.

What you resist persists.

The more you complain about being overweight, the more overweight you will become.

The Law of Attraction HAS to send you more of what you put your attention on.

Where are you putting your attention?

What are you saying to yourself?

The biggest indicator of what you are attracting into your future is what you are
saying to yourself every day.

Steer clear of negativity and affirm positive emotions and you will see the tide turn.

Be grateful for what you have in your life, your health, your body, your mind and expect
more good to come.

You get what you expect.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Know When to Stay Still, Know When to Act

"There are times to stay put,
and what you want will come to you,
and there are times to go out into the world,
and find such a thing for yourself"
                                    Lemony Snicket

One of the successful keys to manifesting is knowing when to stay where you are
and do nothing but wait,
and knowing when to take action and move out of your comfort zone.

How do you know the difference between the two?

Therein lies the problem.

Most people are so busy being "busy" they don't know how to be still and listen.

Those being still, not in meditation but parked in front of the TV, don't know how to
take action. They are paralyzed from being in their comfort zone so long.

You will only take action when you are inspired to do so
the pain to remain where you are, or who you are, becomes unbearable.

If you are staying still, (notice I say still not stagnant), then you will have a chance
to listen to your soul's yearning.

Don't let those cries be in vain.

Cast away the fear and grasp the future with open arms.

What does your soul yearn to do?

What are you afraid of?

What do you have to lose?

Will you ever get what you want sitting back and watching your life drift by?

Get clear on what you want.

Affirm it.

Visualize it.

And take some form of action to make it a reality.

Let the Universe know that you are ready to play.

You have been sitting on the bench for far too long.

You are done with being an observer and sitting on the sidelines waiting for
your life to start.

It has already started without you.

The time has come to be the star player in this game called Life.

What move will you make next?

What do you need to do to win?

You can never score a goal if you don't take the shot.